雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.

  2. BOC CBS Online and FI Online. Register for our online banking service and you can manage your company accounts with great ease. Upon activation of such service, you can make enquiry on your accounts and credit card balances, transfer funds, make remittance applications, place time deposits and settle your credit card and other payments.

  3. BOC Corporate Banking Services Online "BOC CBS Online" has been equipped with simplified interface and various new functions. What's more, applying BOC CBS Online is free of charge and it enables you to manage various financial transactions flexibly and to enquire the account status online anytime, anywhere, much simpler and more convenient.

  4. Download. Forms. Website Intro. e-Cheque. Deposit Service. e-Cheque. Bill Payment Service. Home > More > e-Banking Service > Corporate Internet Banking.

  5. 中銀香港為您提供創新、專業及全面的金融服務,助您創富增值,致力成為您的最佳銀行。

  6. 「BoC Bill 綜合收款服務是一項專為商戶而設的綜合線上線下收款及交易管理服務處理包括 VisaMasterCard銀聯美國運通、 JCB 、Discover 及 Diners各種銀行卡支付以及處理本港非接觸式 BoC Pay、雲閃付、微信支付、支付寶、轉數快、Visa

  7. 優惠與分行收費比較。 * 請按此參閱匯款服務收費詳情。 備註:以上各項收費以每次交易計算,僅供參考,本行保留不時調整有關收費的權利。 請即 登入網上銀行,盡享優惠! 有關產品及推廣詳情,請向本行職員查詢。 中國銀行(香港)有限公司保留修訂或取消上述推廣優惠條款的酌情權。