雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年10月20日 · On October 1, 2015, Japan established the Japan Sports Agency to promote sports and take a comprehensive approach to its administrative policy. Highlighting Japan spoke with Daichi Suzuki, commissioner of the Japan Sports Agency and 1988 Seoul Olympics 100-meter backstroke gold medalist, and asked him about the development of sports policy in ...

  2. 2016年10月24日 · 從1976年開始Beams用40年做一個品牌,但又有誰能讀懂這一段城市酷玩年代記. 2016年10月21日,日本時裝潮牌Beams40週年紀念活動正式啟動。. 作為系列企劃活動的第1彈,一則名為Tokyo Culture Story的短片正式在Youtube上線,並迅速蔓延開來。. 短片回顧了從1976年Beams創立 ...

  3. 2019年8月23日 · 買完票進到館內,下了樓梯後牆邊掛著幾張日本選手在場上拚戰的照片,隨即映入眼簾的是現今日本職棒12支球團的球衣以及各球團選手所使用的球具,而在整個展間最中間的則是一座冠軍金盃。在這個被規劃為日本職棒的展區中,除了可以看到日本職棒各個主要球團的展示外,還包含球團主力選手 ...

  4. 一碗長崎面下肚後便知. 【雨天出行備案#1】到日本棒球打擊練習場享受揮出全壘打的快感. 復活的日本武士ー馬背上的激戰. 甲子園是一年一度使全日本都沸騰起來的高校野球大會。. 高校野球大會不單單是高校生的運動會。. 對日本成年人來說,為家鄉的代表隊 ...

  5. 2016年6月6日 · Sadako & Kayako Face Off in Baseball. The stars of two of Japan’s best-known horror movies took to the baseball field at Sapporo Dome on June 1, opening the game between the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters and the Yakult Swallows with an impressive show that grabbed everyone’s attention. Sadako, from the Ring movies, threw the first pitch to ...

  6. 2017年1月26日 · Eki means railway station, while ben is short for bento (a lunch packed in an easy-to-carry box). The box is crammed with carefully, beautifully arranged morsels of food, and ekiben have taken the bento culture to new heights, demonstrating pride in the region where they are made and offering plenty of local produce.

  7. 2020年1月17日 · People in Kyoto are reenacting an ancient type of Japanese football that was played by nobles centuries ago. While most of Tokyo is talking about the Olympics, others are kicking it old school by playing an ancient type of Japanese football called Kemari. Kemari is said to have come from China 14 centuries ago.

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