雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Watch. Illegal Online Gambling Ruins Your Life. Online gambling addiction might make gamblers run into debts. It is also illegal in Hong Kong to participate online gambling games that are registered oversea. Watch. Illegal gambling worthless to try?

  2. Online illegal gambling activities have become increasingly rampant over recent years. Recognize the below misconceptions. Stay alert, and avoid breaching the law. In Hong Kong, betting with gambling websites registered overseas would not breach the law?

  3. 1 / 3. 過去十二個月內. 當你減少或停止賭博後, 是否感到坐立不安或心煩氣躁? 是 否. 下一題. 何謂問題賭博 尋求協助. 作為有節制博彩小工具,通過「自我小測試」讓您初步自我驗查賭博行為,協助您決定是否需要尋求正式協助。

  4. 大部份人視博彩為富有趣味的娛樂,都能有所節制。 以下是一些自我管理博彩行為的小貼士. 決不借貸博彩,僅以自己能負擔的款額下注. 切勿在輸錢後繼續投注以求回本. 訂定博彩預算,並按預算下注. 視博彩為娛樂,並非一種賺錢途徑. 不會隱瞞或為博彩行為撒謊.

  5. 「威爾頓」是一匹天分與鬥志兼備的冠軍賽駒,於巔峰時期曾雄霸香港中距離賽事。 牠曾攻下浪琴表香港盃、愛彼女皇盃、兩屆花旗銀行香港金盃,當然還有精英雲集的一屆寶馬香港打吡大賽,全部均跑2000米途程。 約翰摩亞說:「牠會成為香港賽馬史上一匹真正的傳奇賽駒,其中一個原因是牠的獨特跑法;牠往往於賽事早段居落後甚遠的位置,末段才如箭上前,曾令多少人為牠抹一把汗。 以往「威爾頓」處黃金期時,經常於轉直路彎時在外疊繞過對手上前,然後展開招牌式的長直路衝刺,往往令在沙田觀賽的觀眾由最初喃喃自語到最後大聲歡呼。 「牠從來都要居落後甚遠的位置競跑,但牠勝在衝刺強勁持久,由六百五十米處或七百米處起,甚至有時由八百米處起,牠會一直加速,這顯示牠是一匹全力拼鬥的賽駒。 雖然牠有時會令人為牠擔心,但這正是牠的魅力所在。

  6. Caritas Addicted Gamblers Counselling Centre 2499 7828 6829 8764 Room 1708-1709, 17/F, Chinachem Tsuen Wan Plaza, 455-457 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan Service hours Mon, Tue, Thu: 10 am to 6 pm Wed, Fri and Sat: 10 am to 10 pm (Closed on

  7. High intensity forms of gambling that offers continuous play and rapid, repeated staking is a major cause of problem gambling behaviours. An obvious example is illegal online gambling games where access is possible seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Forms of gambling where credit is available are also highly conducive to problem gambling.