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  1. 於1982年,我們更成功引進由美國製造之蒸餾水機到港,令蒸餾水機於市場上更普及。. 於1985年,我們的「雅潔」蒸餾水誕生,最初我們的蒸餾水只是以合約形式由其他蒸餾水製造商承包生產,但由於市場的迅速增長及希望為客戶提供品質上更有保證之蒸餾水 ...

  2. Repair and Maintenance Service. Regular Water Dispenser Sanitization. Water Filtration System - Cartridge replacing service. Order. Jackel Porter was founded in 1975, as we had a penetrating business insight and an excellent marketing network, we sucessfully introduced the American-made water cooler in Hong Kong and made it popular in the market.

  3. 高寶德洋行簡介. 歷史悠久. 高寶德洋行有限公司成立於1975年。 憑著我們優越的市場觸覺及網絡,公司於短短兩年間,客戶數量由最初的數百戶迅速增加至超愈三千戶。 於1982年,我們更成功引進由美國製造之蒸餾水機到港,令蒸餾水機於市場上更普及。 於1985年,我們的「雅潔」蒸餾水誕生,最初我們的蒸餾水只是以合約形式由其他蒸餾水製造商承包生產,但由於市場的迅速增長及希望為客戶提供品質上更有保證之蒸餾水,我們計劃投資及興建我們的蒸餾水製造廠。 1992年,高寶德及「雅潔」進入新紀元,耗資超越$7,500,000.00之蒸餾水生產線正式投產,產量也靠以前的以倍數增長,使高寶德能於市場上及客戶間成功鑄造一個領導者之地位。

  4. Jackel Porter (Natural Mineral Water) is the manufacturer of distilled water in Hong Kong to be complied with the ISO9001 Quality Assurance. Aqua-Tek distilled water with its perfect purity has been certified by NSF International and assured of its superior standard applicable to the FDA requirements in the United States distilled water industry.

    • Jackel Porter Co., Ltd.
    • Water Production
    • Quality Control
    • Quality Compliance

    Jackel Porter was founded in 1975. As we had a penetrating business insight and an excellent marketing network, our customers boomed from several hundreds to over three thousands within the first two years. In 1982, we successfully introduced the American-made water cooler in Hong Kong and made it popular in the market. 1985 was the year in which o...

    The distilled water is produced by a vapor compressed system at a temperature of 105℃. After passing through a multi-level computerized water pre-treatment system, water turns to steam and then being cooled down to distilled water. All impurities such as small particles, bacteria and viruses are eliminated during the process. Only100% pure water fo...

    We check the water quality once every half an hour, which is above the once-every -hour requirement of the code of practice. Moreover, we have appointed various independent laboratories to carry out the water analysis every week. Our products have the best quality because we do the quality control seriously.

    NSF Certificate of 5 Gal. Bottle distilled water (Safety Compliance of FDA [Food and Drug Administration of USA])

  5. Spritzer礦泉水. Spritzer礦泉水乃大自然的瑰寶,擷取自地下420呎的天然純淨泉水,含豐富有益的礦物質,並且嚴格遵照國際衞生標準過濾及入樽。. 來細嚐一口Spritzer,讓心情輕鬆寧定。. 源自:天然地下泉水. 來源地:馬來西亞. 我們的Spritzer礦泉水備有多款包裝以 ...

  6. 24小時電話熱線,全天候為客戶提供服務。 蒸餾水生產過程. 蒸餾水是將水於大氣壓力下加熱至105℃,水便由液體轉化為水蒸氣,然後再冷卻成為蒸餾水。 過程中將水裡的懸浮物體、細菌病毒及雜質除去。 使蒸餾水更純淨。 我們設有全電腦化之瓶樽清洗系統,經過多重清洗及消毒過程,瓶樽將會送到無塵間注水及封口。 全電腦機械化之製造過程不經人手,減低人為出錯。 所有生產過程於密封的無塵間進行消毒及潔淨,使「雅潔」蒸餾水更清純更潔淨。 優質保證. 為了達至嚴格的品質檢定,我們的蒸餾水會每半小時進行抽樣檢驗,比一般的水質檢驗標準更嚴格。 並且,我們聘請了獨立的化驗所,每星期都進行水質化驗,務求使消費者對我們的蒸餾水更有信心保證。

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