雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  2. Personal Phone Banking. You can manage your banking accounts, credit card accounts, investment transactions and make enquiry with one-stop convenience by calling a dedicated hotline. We provide manned and automated services to suit all of your needs.

  3. BOC Corporate Banking Services Online "BOC CBS Online" has been equipped with simplified interface and various new functions. What's more, applying BOC CBS Online is free of charge and it enables you to manage various financial transactions flexibly and to enquire the account status online anytime, anywhere, much simpler and more convenient.

  4. 中銀Private Card. 中國茶藝文化源遠流長,講究茶葉、溫度、環境等互相配合,展現獨特美:生活有如品茗,中銀Private Card對服務客戶一絲不苟,從生活品味、尊貴活動、以至生活日常,度身訂造尊貴禮遇及不凡體驗,以彰顯您高貴與涵養,以此與您分享細 ...

    • 柔美的細胞小將 線上1
    • 柔美的細胞小將 線上2
    • 柔美的細胞小將 線上3
    • 柔美的細胞小將 線上4
  5. 一卡在手 處處通行. 使用中銀信用卡「八達通自動增值」服務,讓您隨時隨地繳付各類款項,如渡輪/地鐵/火車/巴士等交通費、超級市場/便利店/戲院/快餐店等消費或泊車咪錶/停車場費用等,毋需顧慮為八達通增值,令您生活更添方便! 多元化申請途徑 快捷方便. 透過中銀信用卡網上服務/中銀香港網上銀行、中銀香港手機銀行申請 (登入後選擇「信用卡」>「增值服務」>「申請「八達通自動增值」服務」);或. 「中銀香港信用卡」微信官號;或. 致電中銀信用卡服務專線 2214 3433;或. 下載 「八達通自動增值」申請表格,並透過分行/郵寄遞交申請.

  6. 企業可透過中銀香港子賬戶收款服務多種收款渠道,輕鬆收取不同貨幣 款項。透過建立多個子賬戶予不同付款人,您可輕鬆識別付款人身份及核對交易,更快捷及有效地管理應收賬項。 優點 多種收款渠道 提供多種收款渠道,包括匯款、轉賬 ...

  7. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.