雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 關於我們. HK MoneyClub (www.hkmoneyclub.com)是一個率先洞悉投資、財富管理的創富及投資者教育互動平台。. 我們專注於美股、港股及退休理財。. 梁耀康 (Dave Leung)為HK MoneyClub的聯合創辦之一,並為平台分析師。. 梁耀康為前萬里富香港 (The Motley Fool HK)全職員工,負責 ...

  2. 人行放水人民幣匯價升之「異象」啟示. 您應沽掉這兩隻Robinhood投資者鐘情的冠狀病毒概念股嗎?. 拼多多首次轉賺!. 散戶要知兩三事. 匯豐擬關逾10間英分行 專注亞太可助翻身?.

  3. 2024年5月9日 · 盛証券 AQUMON智能投顧 微牛WeBull 關於 聯絡/廣告查詢 繁體中文 English 所有文章 All最新文章 負資產急升 港樓價如何維持? 2024-05-22 江恩小龍劉君明 負資產急升,內地樓市是香港最大的替代品,香港價格可以如何維持? All最新文章 超微電腦SMCI再 ...

    • Operating and Net Margins
    • Debt Levels
    • Free Cash Flow
    • Foolish Takeaway

    Of the three companies, CNOOC appears to have the highest operating and net margins. This could be due to the way its business is structured, such that its cost base is the lowest among the three. Though all three oil and gas giants compete in almost all aspects of the E&P supply chain, CNOOC started off specialising in offshore upstream E&P, Petro...

    It is generally assumed that E&P companies will require lots of debt in order to finance their capital-intensive operations. Hence, E&P companies are usually heavily indebted, and the three Chinese oil and gas companies are no exception. However, Sinopec stands out here by having a net cash position of around RMB 28.8 billion, and this cash stash a...

    For free cash flow (FCF) generation, all three companies display healthy levels of FCF. CNOOC, however, has the lowest capital expenditure (capex) levels, while PetroChina clocked up the highest level of capex. Glancing at the numbers a year ago (for FY 2017), CNOOC had almost a similar level of capex at RMB 47.7 billion, while Sinopec recorded RMB...

    CNOOC is the winner of two out of the three categories and, for me, qualifies as the most attractive Chinese oil and gas stock. It has the highest operating and net margins while requiring the lowest capex but investors should keep a watchful eye on its debt levels to make sure these do not balloon out of control. 美股表現近年持續強勁,不知如何入手?我們精選了10隻高增長美股,並撰...

  4. 2021年8月4日 · 百勝中國在內地市場擁有的成本優勢,筆者由此領悟到大快活及大家樂在內地經營規模有限,根據不能夠做到低成本優勢。. 筆者更由此領悟到,較大快活更積極發展內地市場的大家樂股價表現跑輸大快活的原因。. 從上文分析,投資者應該理解得到百勝中國擁有 ...

  5. 2021年10月20日 · - HK MoneyClub. 【MPF投資知識7分鐘】漫步華爾街 ! 2021-10-20 MPF醫務室. 有觀眾推介咗一本書畀我地,叫做漫步華爾街, 睇個書名好似好浪慢咁,想像有個高富帥陪我漫步中環海濱, 幾咁令人陶醉醒醒啦睇番本書的英文名叫做a random walk down walk street,即刻就無晒浪漫的感覺了,有讀過statisti cs統計學的人,相信對於隨機漫步呢個terms唔會陌生, 書名變相同你講咗,股價的運行唔能夠被預測, 就好似飲醉咗酒的人,亂行咁。 書名都咁有內涵,咁本書呢? 呢本書其實好經典,已經有成48年的歷史,而且係好多名牌大學M BA投資系的指定參考書黎架,所以好多人都讀過。

  6. 2021年10月15日 · 儘管市場下滑,但這三隻增長型股票在過去一個月內上漲,基本面可能會推動它們繼續跑贏大市。. 1.提高企業效率. Asana(NYSE:ASAN)是一種網路和移動應用程式,可幫助組織管理和組織員工的工作。. 它作為一個單一平台,團隊可以在這裡交流、共用資訊,並讓 ...

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