雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月12日 · If you're stepping into a Japanese school for the first time, there are a number of things that will likely be quite different from your own school days at home. Below we outline six things that might surprise you in Japanese public schools, from the interesting to the practical—to the downright shocking! 6. Classrooms Aren't Heated or Cooled.

  2. 2016年4月11日 · Teaching English. Japanese nursery schools, or hoikuen (保育園), are day-care centers that take care of children while their parents are at work. Both public and private options are available, accepting kids from less than a year old to elementary school age (6 years old). For the older kids, hoikuen services are very similar to kindergarten ...

  3. 2017年10月30日 · 當 2011 年3月 11 日災害襲擊日本時,有一所在仙台的小學屹立不搖,變成整個國家希望的象徵。 身為All About Japan的網站編輯,我總是秉持著將日本的美麗、喜悅、悠久的歷史與純粹的可愛之處,竭盡所能推廣到全世界的態度進行報導外,其中也不乏「經歷過風雨的天空才能綻放出美麗的彩虹」的內容 ...

  4. 2016年4月7日 · We also tour the school kitchen, where five staff prepare 720 meals from scratch, using potatoes the grade 6 students raised in the school farm. Lunch today consists of fried fish with pear sauce, vegetable soup and mashed potatoes. While this school prepares all of its own lunches, in some areas larger schools will act as suppliers and ...

  5. 2017年7月9日 · If you worked in (or went to) a Japanese school, these tasty treats just might take you back! 5. 'Agepan'. Agepan is a deep-fried bread topped with sugar or sweet soy bean powder. Though many would consider it a dessert, agepan is often served as a carbohydrate, one of the main components of school lunch. It went perfectly well with milk, which ...

  6. 2017年3月24日 · 從2017年2月開始,只要是香港和台灣的旅客都可以在成田機場拿到免費的WiFi卡,每天的最大數據量為500MB,最多可連續5天免費使用。 如果每天的使用量超過500MB,或者使用天數超過5天的旅客可以加錢買數據,或是轉回到用自備的WiFi等,完全不會強行續費,可以自由使用。

  7. 2017年1月26日 · 上图是静冈县伊豆市修缮寺的新井旅馆 我们按日文的发音顺序做了这些卡片插图,因此你很容易就能了解到这些约定俗成的规矩。 其中有些你可能已经知道,而另外一些,你就需要好好注意了。 日本的旅馆可以让人非常放松,但也有一些暗藏玄机,读了本文以后,参考我们给出的建议和解释,就不 ...

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