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    • 1. a current deposit; a demand deposit; a current account; a checking account

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  2. Banking. Citi Plus - Citi 利息 Booster. %body% 簡單日常任務 boost 活期利率高達2.67% 年利率. 一開戶就有1.17% 年利率 年利率 1 . 只要完成4個日常任務,包括「儲錢」、「入錢」、「碌卡買嘢」同「投資 2 、唱外幣或買保險」就可以解鎖boost利率 . 加加埋埋年利率最高有成2.67% 年利率 1 ,您放喺Citi 利息Booster戶口嘅首30萬港幣存款就可以賺到更多利息 . 至Smart 攻略去完成任務. 基本利率 1.17% 年利率. 入錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 儲錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 「投資、唱外幣或買保險」 +0.6% 年利率 更多資料 > 碌卡買嘢 +0.3% 年利率. 更多資料 >

  3. 1. When you fulfill the requirements of all the missions and combine the bonus interest rates with your base interest rate, you will earn a total interest rate of 2.67% p.a. Terms and Conditions for Citi Interest Booster apply, please visit: click here. The interest rate of Citi Interest Booster will be determined by the Bank from time to time.

  4. Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products. Portfolio Finance allows you to meet your general liquidity needs and enhance your investing power by providing you with additional capital to seize investment opportunities as they happen.

  5. www1.citibank.com.hk › chinese › wealth-managementPortfolio

    合資格存款是指貨幣理財組合內定期存款、通知存款及/或外幣優惠戶口 (不包括「信託形式持有的」存款、被其他信貸額保留的存款、已被抵押的存款、Gold Manager黃金交易戶口、人民幣存款、市場掛鈎戶口及MaxiSavings高息活期存款)的總存款

  6. Financial Readiness. Citi Plus can help you level up your money and life! Learn at your own pace with a series of simple, easy-to-follow financial pointers designed by experts.

  7. Citibank Online. Redesigned for you to make banking easier and quicker so you spend less time banking with more time on your hands. - A full list of all the available banking services on the menu to let you navigate easily. - You can manage all account settings and services under new “Settings & More”, including Personal Information, e ...

  8. 由淺入深level up您嘅理財知識,等您更有信心入市投資. 投資達人設計一系列「易入口」投資小貼士,從零開始,幫您幾分鐘學識專業理財Concept. 小測驗幫您溫故知新. 完成小挑戰,由銅、銀、金、白金級慢慢升上鑽石級,一路升呢掌握理財心得,知自己程度 ...

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