雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This case on stampedes is aimed at familiarizing students and practitioners of public health, disaster management, and urban planning with the risk of stampedes in mass gatherings. Stampedes and weather related events are the two greatest causes of mortality at mass gatherings.

  2. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  3. 聯合國 教科文組織世界遺產中心(UNESCO World Heritage Centre)歐洲地區報告就指出,氣候及天氣變化導致的災害是近年來文化資產管理者普遍認為世界文化遺產保護最重要的課題,但是「我們缺乏因應氣候變遷威脅和風險管理的準備」。 相關分析也必須把「人」的特質納入。 例如:災害發生時,經常有遊客圍觀或不遵循引導、語言不通難以接收訊息、忙著拍攝照片上傳社群媒體等現場混亂狀況,都有可能擴大風險,衍生更多的意外狀況。 透過規劃設計以降低災害風險是最有效的作法。

  4. Check out the latest news of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute

  5. 繪本中四位主角組成了「COPE小隊」,在功夫婆婆的指導下進行密集式訓練,學習如何做好準備,應對災難。小隊更背負重任,到訪世界各地,培育更多孩子成為 COPE 減災小精英。從今天起作出改變,時刻做好準備,應對災難!

  6. 2018年1月23日 · Management of disasters, like most major incidents, can be divided in three phases, i.e. Before, During and After. Actions taken during each phase are, respectively, Prevention & Preparedness; Response and Recovery. The role of a senior leader in the disaster management team is essential at each of these three phases.

  7. 20210524 COPE Floods NEW COVER

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