雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如果你懷疑所有藥品有假或者是未註冊藥品,你可以撥打: 香港衛生署藥物投訴熱線: +(852) 2572 2068 如果你想電召出租車,你可以參考我們的文章: 香港的士

  2. 虽然我们希望你的香港之行一路顺风,开开心心,但是为谨慎起见,我们建议你记下以下的电话号码,以防万一。. 紧急电话(警察,救护车,消防): 999. 从手机的紧急电话: 112 or 999. 警热线: + (852) 2527 7177. 香港国际机场热线: + (852) 2181 8888. 香港旅游发展 ...

    • Victoria Harbour Views from Tst Waterfront
    • Victoria Harbour Views from Hong Kong Island
    • Other Options of Enjoying Victoria Harbour

    Basically you can enjoy Victoria Harbour either along Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront promenade, Wan Chai waterfront promenade as well as from Central Piers. But majority of visitors agrees that the views from Kowloon side in TST are more magnificent. Many sightseeing attractions such as Clock Tower, Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong Space Museumand shopping mal...


    The stunning views as well as the hustle and bustle of Victoria Harbour can also be enjoyed from Hong Kong Island. One popular place is just around the Central Pier. There are several benches inside and outside the Star Ferry Pier building where you can sit down, watch the Star Ferries arriving and leaving from the Star Ferry Central Pier and simply relax. By looking at Victoria Harbour from the Hong Kong Island side you will get a total different feeling and experience of Victoria Harbour. O...

    Wan Chai

    Enjoying Victoria Harbour from Wan Chai is another lesser known option since it involves some walking either from the Star Ferry Wan Chai Pier or from the Wan Chai MTR station. Views are similar to the ones in Central and I guess that’s one of the reasons why many visitors don’t bother to travel here, especially if time is limited. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center However, among Chinese Nationals Wan Chai is very popular mainly due to the fact that the handover ceremony took place h...

    Besides all these waterfront promenades, we recommend some other great options of enjoying Victoria Harbour : from Sky 100 Hong Kong Observation, from the Peak and from Hong Kong Rooftop Bars.

  3. 下面我們就香港最受遊客歡迎的旅遊點為你安排了1至5日的行程。. 這5日的行程基本上囊括香港所有重要的景點。. 當然你也可以不需要跟隨我們的建議,而按照你的喜好從中選擇一些你感興趣的。. 從一日游開始,每一篇文章只是關於一天時間的安排。. 你可以根據 ...

    • 社工註冊局 名單1
    • 社工註冊局 名單2
    • 社工註冊局 名單3
    • 社工註冊局 名單4
    • 社工註冊局 名單5
  4. 计划行程不能不知的常识. 香港公众假期 • 香港签证和证件要求 • 如果通过海关和前往市区 • 八达通卡-香港出行必备 • 紧急和常用电话号码 • 货币流通和兑换 • 公共交通工具 • 电源和电压. 继续阅读…

  5. As the famous cartoon character, Hello Kitty has countless fans around the world. This article briefs you where to purchase Hello Kitty products in Hong Kong.

  6. 這裡你可以找到 香港電車東行路線圖 和 香港電車西行路線圖 。 咨詢方式: 電話: + (852) 2548 7102. E-Mail:enquiry@hktramways.com. 小提示: 你知不知道你可以租用電車做私人用途,或者在車上開一場生日Party,或者慶祝結婚或者紀念日。 你可以在這裡找到關於 租用香港電車的詳細資料 。 更多香港公共交通工具. 雙層有軌電車.