雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 二零二三年度職業訓練局畢業典禮相簿 The VTC Graduation Ceremony 2023 Photo Album

  2. As the highest recognition conferred by the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Honorary Fellowships are awarded to distinguished individuals in recognition of their contributions to the VTC, the development of vocational and professional education and training or the community of Hong Kong.

  3. Admission Member Institutions S6 Full time Degree Applied Science-Oriented Degree Programmes Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) Higher Diploma Diploma of Foundation Studies Diploma of Vocational Education Diploma

  4. 專業認可. 旅遊業監管局 認可本院校之旅遊服務及旅行社營運文憑(QF 級別 3)課程,畢業生在「導遊核證考試」將獲豁免卷一甲部短答題。. 旅遊業監管局 認可本院校之旅遊服務及旅行社營運文憑(QF 級別 3)課程,畢業生可豁免修讀外遊領隊課程而直接報考由 ...

  5. 课程内容. 第一学期:. 广告工作室 1: 摄影及互动设计. 社交媒体创作及管理. 市场传播. 巿场学精要. 英文传意:职场对话. 资讯科技精要 - 商业. 全人发展 - 心智转换:实践个人成长与效能.

  6. 課程宗旨. 本課程教授實用的當代電腦軟件開發技術,並着重軟件的設計及品質和項目管理,使畢業生能設計及開發人工智能 (AI)、智能電話、互聯網和企業應用軟件。. 本課程著重通識教育、語文訓練、全人發展和職場工作體驗,為學生畢業後繼續升學或就業作 ...

  7. Programme code IT114107. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design. Graduates may be employed as Mobile Games and App Developer, Game Software Developers and Designers, Unity Programmer, Interactive Programmer, Game Software Frontend Developer, UI/UX Designer and Web Programmers, and move into posts such as Game System Engineer, Game and IT ...

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