雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年5月17日 · 步驟1. 於sc.com/hk/zh/ 的右上角按「登入」再按 「渣打網上理財」。 步驟2. 在「個人銀行客戶」或「信用卡客戶」下按「登記」。 步驟3. 個人銀行客戶. 憑提款卡登記. 輸入您的 提款卡號碼 及 櫃員機密碼. 或 憑電話理財卡登記. 輸入您的 電話理財號碼 及 電子理財私人密碼 。 信用卡客戶. 輸入您的 信用卡號碼 、 有效期限 、 出生日期 及 香港身份證號碼 。 步驟4. 確認您在本行登記的手提電話號碼,您的手機會收取一次有效密碼的短訊。 步驟5. 輸入您的一次有效密碼。 步驟6. 設定您的用戶名稱及密碼。 大部分客人都在使用網上理財作以下用途… 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 查閱賬戶轉賬. 查閱信用卡交易. 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 步驟1.

  2. 即使忘記密碼,憑您的聲音即可輕鬆登入。. 除可選擇以電話理財私人密碼 (TIN) / 一次性密碼 (OTP) 登入,我們的系統現配備 語音認證技術 ^,讓您享受快捷簡易的登入體驗。. 立即透過電話理財登記使用。. ^ 語音認證只適用於個人理財客戶,不包括中小企業理財 ...

  3. “ 一心做好,始终如一( Here for good)” 中得到充分体现。 渣打集团有限公司除在伦敦及香港的交易所上市外,还在印度的孟买以及印度国家证券交易所上市。 渣打银行自. 1858. 年在中国上海开设首家分行以来,在华业务经营从未间断。 2007. 年.

  4. 渣打银行任命中国首席执行总裁. 2014 年4 月15日,上海 – 渣打银行近日宣布,任命张晓蕾为渣打银行(中国)有限公. 司首席执行总裁。. 张晓蕾将驻上海,向渣打集团大中华地区行政总裁洪丕正汇报。. 渣打银行同时宣布,原任渣打中国首席执行总裁兼董事会常务副主席 ...

    • Appointed
    • Experience
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Judy was appointed CEO, Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB) in January 2021 and has been a member of the Group Management Team since 2018.

    Judy’s banking career spans more than 30 years, including various leadership roles in Asia with global, regional and market responsibilities. She has deep experience in retail banking, wealth management and in developing affluent client strategies and is passionate about building diverse teams to drive resilience, adaptability and innovation.

    Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed Regi...

    Judy was appointed to the board of CapitaLand Limited as a non-executive and independent director in May 2021.

  5. We offer investment funds covering different asset classes, countries and sectors, catering to your risk appetite and helping you to diversify your portfolio. Manage your portfolio anytime, anywhere with the SC Mobile Unit Trust Investment platform. EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR NEW INVESTMENT FUND CLIENTS.

  6. Virtual Assistant Stacy. Check your account balances, reward points after login 1. General product and service information, like latest offer, ATM and branch location. General enquiries, like what to do if your credit card is lost, how to update the address, etc.

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