雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 對於渣打香港與客戶之間因銷售過程或處理有關交易而產生的合資格爭議(定義見金融糾紛調解計劃的金融糾紛調解的中心職權範圍),渣打香港將與客戶進行金融糾紛調解計劃程序;然而,對於有關產品的合約條款的任何爭議應由三井住友保險與客戶直接解決 ...

  2. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

  3. 2021年3月24日 · 針對危疾長遠的影響. 減輕危疾持續帶來的財務負擔 更就癌症、心臟病發作及中風提供多重保障。. 保障涵蓋117種病況. 危疾保障高達860%. 按此瀏覽產品冊子. 按此瀏覽產品冊子. 危疾加護保III乃人壽保險計劃,並非銀行存款。. 本產品由保誠保險有限公司(保誠 ...

  4. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  5. Comprehensive multi-claim critical illness plan. Protect you and your loved ones through every stage of life – birth, sickness, old age and beyond by Multiple cover for 127 Disease Conditions. Give your unborn child a head-start in life by Critical Illness Protection as early as your 22nd week of pregnancy.

  6. Standard Chartered is one of the oldest international banks in China, with our first branch in Shanghai set up in 1858 and continuous operations thereafter. We were among the first batch of international banks locally incorporated in China in April 2007. We have outlets across nearly 30 coastal and in-land cities in China, a testimony of our ...

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