雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 大名鼎鼎的富豪雪糕Mobile Softee. 不過,如果你在香港街頭溜達,你也許會留意到一種特別設計的小車,白色為主的車身,藍色的車頂和紅色的車頭,從車上傳出音樂盒般的清脆的音樂。. 小車的車身寫著“Mister Softee”,現在已更名為“Mobile Softee”。. 這些設計 ...

  2. 何不妨讓我們以一頓美味的港式點心作為早餐,開始一天的行程. 香港飲茶之叉燒包. 香港人有喝早茶的習慣。. 一般來說一天的時間分時段早茶的收費也不同。. 早上9點前喝早茶是最划算的,價錢也是一天中最低的,是不可忽略的嘗試。. 來了一趟香港,不能不 ...

    • Highlights of Bird Garden
    • The History Behind The Bird Market
    • What Can You Find at Bird Garden?
    • Is It Worthwhile to Visit Bird Street?
    • What Is The Best Time to Visit Bird Market?
    • Where Is Bird Garden and How to Get to Bird Garden?

    Strictly speaking, the Bird Market is more of a garden than a market. Hong Kong and Chinese people love animals and especially songbirds. Walking into this small park or garden, you can witness one of Hong Kong’s phenomenon of taking “birds” for a walk. It is part of local life that visitors hardly get to see. The 3,000-square-meter Chinese style g...

    Originally, Bird Market was located in Mongkok’s Hong Lok Street, which was also known as Bird Street. In the early 1990s, the government decided to do a redevelopment and revitalization project of the surrounding areas. Nowadays you find the Langham Place Shopping Mallthere. As a result, Bird Market was relocated to the present location on Yuen Po...

    To be fair, as a tourist you probably won’t be interested to purchase one of the little feathery friends. However, at the Bird Garden you can purchase all kind of different exotic bird-care related items. There are more than 70 shops, wholesalers, stores, stalls and traders selling everything related to pet birds. You are able to find a wide variet...

    In case you plan to visit the famous Flower Market, the Bird Market is basically next to it and you can do them together. The experience of this market, however, is a little bit a mixed bag. On the one hand, it is fascinating to see and experience one of Hong Kong’s old tradition. On the other hand, it is also sad to see the small birds in their ti...

    The opening hours of Bird Garden are daily from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. However, the opening hours of the small shops and stalls inside the park vary. The majority of shops usually open until 5:00 – 6:00 pm. So, the best time to visit Bird Garden is either in the very early morning hours or in the mid-afternoon. Especially during the early morning, you...

    Yuen Po Street Bird Garden is between Mongkok and Prince Edward. The entrance of this Bird Market is linked to Flower Market and can be easily reached. The Bird Garden is located in the heart of Mongkok and can conveniently reached by all means of transportation. The simplest and most economical way is taking MTR subway system. Go Back to Top

  3. 香港四日游 (在香港的第四日) 第四日的行程很簡單,從香港迪士尼樂園或者香港海洋公園中選擇一個。 兩個公園面積很大,景點很多,而且一般遊客也不少,因此玩一天可能時間都不夠呢!如果晚上還有多的時間,也可以考慮到里離海洋公園不遠的珍寶王國享用晚餐。 繼續閱讀… 香港五日游 (在香港的第五日) 經過前四日的旅行,如果你是跟隨我們的建議和安排,你已經差不多玩遍了香港最重要的各大景點。 第五天的行程我們安排得隨意些,我們列出了香港其他一些重要的景點,你可以根據自己的喜歡和興趣進行選擇。 基本上這一天我們留給你自由安排。 繼續閱讀… 窮游香港 – 香港免費游. 和許多旅遊城市不一樣,香港最棒的地方在於好多旅遊景點是免費的或者門票價格很低。 想知道如果可以省下最多銀子玩遍重要的景點麼? 繼續閱讀…

    • 鄺俊宇1
    • 鄺俊宇2
    • 鄺俊宇3
    • 鄺俊宇4
    • 鄺俊宇5
  4. 赤柱市集(Stanley Market)位於香港島的赤柱,是最受遊客歡迎的 香港市集 之一。. 毗鄰美麗清澈的淺水灣,這裡也是香港本地人週末度假休閒的最佳場所。. 每天很多旅行團都到訪這裡,所以遊人絡繹不絕。. 由於這裡有很多西式的酒吧,又很受外國人歡迎,所以 ...

  5. 從去年10月底《變形金剛4》在香港取景拍攝開始,整個香港就格外關注這部電影。. 甚麼時候會上映,都會有哪些香港的場景,一直是大家茶餘飯後的熱門話題。. 所以當導演邁克爾貝 (Michael Bay)突然決定《變形金剛4》的全球首映式於2014年6月19日在香港舉行,所有的 ...

  6. Beard Papa Sweets 鬍子爸爸日式泡芙工房 是一家專門銷售不同口味泡芙的甜品店。. 該店源自於日本。. 而另一家店“Coco frans”和“Beard Papa Sweets”是同屬一家公司的。. Coco Frans以銷售不同的蛋糕為主。. 這兩家的店主要位於各大港鐵(MTR)車站,喜歡甜品的你不能 ...

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