雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年 1月 22日. 【醉酒宿醉】一飲即面紅 是因為身體出現了問題? 4 分鐘閱讀. 作者 信諾團隊. 目錄. 亞洲紅臉症(Asian flush)的成因及風險. 對付喝酒臉紅症狀的方法. 無論喝多或少,明明還未 醉酒 就滿面通紅,還要被朋友同事誤會你「易醉」,是否曾讓你感到尷尬不堪呢? 你可能是患有酒精臉紅反應(Alcohol flush reaction),亦稱為酒精不耐症( Alcohol Intolerance)、亞洲紅臉(Asian flush),有可能增加患癌的機會! Asian flush 基於亞洲人的特有體質,美國史丹佛大學化學與系統生物學科資深研究員 陳哲宏博士 表示,約有 36% 的東亞人喝酒會臉紅,原因是肝臟沒有辦法完全代謝酒精。

  2. 臉盲症的成因. 醫學界認為臉盲症,主要分為先天及後天,先天的成因是基因遺傳,而後天成因主要有兩大類,包括曾出現腦部創傷,例如由意外引起;或者疾病所引起,例如 中風 、 腦腫瘤 、癲癇症、神經退化性疾病如 認知障礙症 等所導致。. 患有臉盲症人士 ...

    • What Are Unknown Pre-Existing Conditions?
    • What Are Pre-Existing Conditions?
    • Congenital Condition Diagnosed After 8 Years Old Are Covered by Vhis
    • What Is The Utmost Good Faith?

    Unknown pre-existing conditionsrefer to any medical conditions and diseases that you were not aware of but existed prior to the cover under the policy starts. Under VHIS, unknown pre-existing conditions are well covered. Regarding the case of Iris, she was eligible to obtain a complete reimbursement starting from the first day of the policy if she ...

    You are considered to be aware of a Pre-existing condition where: 1. it has been diagnosed. 2. it has manifested clear and distinct signs or symptoms. 3. medical advice or treatment has been sought, recommended or received. Pre-existing conditions are not covered by both VHISand other traditional medical insurance.

    The entry age of the Cigna VHIS Series is from 15 days to 80 years old. Congenital conditions diagnosed after attaining the age of 8 are covered under VHIS. VHIS’ coverage is more comprehensive than traditional medical insurance as the former covers congenital conditions, such as down syndrome, leukaemia, heart disease, etc. However, it is only app...

    In the course of completing an insurance application, an individual will be required to provide specific information about the state of their health and their lifestyle habits in the utmost good faith. It is a legal requirement that all of these questions and disclosures are provided truthfully for an insurance company to evaluate the risks, calcul...

  3. Cigna is a medical insurance company in Hong Kong that offers VHIS, personal health and global corporate insurance solutions. Apply now!

    • 陳曉陳妍希婚變1
    • 陳曉陳妍希婚變2
    • 陳曉陳妍希婚變3
    • 陳曉陳妍希婚變4
    • 陳曉陳妍希婚變5
  4. 目錄. 什麼是川崎症? 川崎症與新冠病毒有何關係? 川崎症的成因. 川崎症的症狀. 川崎症的治療方法. 川崎症的後遺症與併發症. 近日 新冠病毒 變異毒株Omicron來勢洶洶,香港亦開始出現確診病例。 而川崎症(Kawasaki disease shock syndrome)的病徵與新冠肺炎相當相似,到底川崎症是什麼? 兩者之間又有何關係? 信諾Smart Health為你解構川崎症的成因、症狀及治療方法。 什麼是川崎症?

  5. Cigna Healthcare is a health benefits provider that advocates for better health through every stage of life. We guide our customers through the health care system, empowering them with the information and insight they need to make the best choices for improving their health and vitality.

  6. 2024年 1月 24日. 【社交退縮】疫情令人社交退縮? 社交退縮的定義、原因. 5 分鐘閱讀. 作者 信諾醫療資訊團隊. 目錄. 社交退縮的定義. 社交退縮的特徵. 改善社交退縮的建議. 新冠肺炎 疫情持續數,為配合各方面防疫,大家都在疫情緊張時,減少社交活動,外出時更戴上 口罩 作防護。 香港路德會社會服務處一項調查,訪問了逾千名中學生,結果發現,63%受訪學生的社交意慾下降、擔心除口罩見人,另有48%受訪者表示,變得比疫情之前更害怕「面對面」社交,22%人表示對與人的 溝通 能力下降,反映可能出現了社交退縮的現象。 究竟什麼是社交退縮? 社交退縮的定義. 社交退縮屬於一種現象、行為模式,是指當事人的社交意欲減少,整個人變得孤僻、退縮,與外界接觸的頻密度和程度都減低。