雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 為你介紹本會各項賽馬平分彩金彩池、固定賠率投注種類、投注方式及步驟,讓你體驗賽馬博彩的樂趣。

  2. 申請投注戶口,尊享多種獨有服務!. 投注戶口持有人可按喜好及需要選擇最適合自己的途徑投注,以及辦理轉賬過戶及領取彩金,盡情享受投注之樂趣。. 審批時間視乎閣下所提供的資料以及銀行的處理時間,一般情況下,可於即日至五個工作天內收到申請結果 ...

  3. This betting guide pilots you through an array of the Club's pari-mutuel pools, fixed odds bet types, betting formulas and procedures, adding to your enjoyment of horse racing.

  4. Hong Kong Jockey Club. LI LAN-SANG. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated that 60% of all horses had Chinese owners.

  5. 香港與南非兩地馬圈之間一向合作愉快,最初是南非騎師雷誠於1980年代來港策騎,其後由馬佳善進一步鞏固這個合作關係,繼而由高雅志和韋達接棒。

  6. 特定場外投注處設有馬簿售賣服務。. 所有場外投注處均有代售指定馬場廂座/其他投注處場地 * 之入場證章。. * 指定馬場廂座或投注處場地包括: 駿星匯、影視大堂、先駿廊、百勝廳、駿薈廳、滿貫廳、馬房彎露台、數碼專區、出閘、地下大堂專區、同德、永勝 ...

  7. The 125-year history of The Hong Kong Jockey Club mirrors the unique history of Hong Kong itself. Over the years it has played a vital role in the community's development, as well as putting Hong Kong on the international sporting map.