雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the restrictions prevailing at the relevant time. Our Foreign Currency Savings Account offers choices of 8 major currencies including AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, JPY, etc. with monthly interest. Apply now!

  2. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  3. Wealth Management Connect Smart Guide - Standard Chartered

  4. 2 天前 · 一直以來,渣打堅守著「以客為本」的信念,將您和您的意見,珍而重之。作為您的緊密夥伴,我們很希望能進一步了解您的需要,讓我們繼續求變求進,為您帶來更臻完善的產品及服務。 倘若您對我們的服務有任何意見,歡迎您隨時聯絡我們分行及客戶服務熱線的代表。

  5. Yes, transfer between your own SC accounts with foreign exchange is entitled to the rewards/ membership perks of Online FX platform. You may inquire your rewards/ membership status by logging on to the Online FX platform in SC Mobile App. 2. Does transfer between my own SC accounts with foreign exchange incur any fees or charges?

  6. 2022年1月31日 · Easy Banking投資理財101. 精明理財「賞」 | 致富攻略. 10個私人貸款小知識. 精明理財「賞」 人人都有機會遇到需要現金周轉,要借錢嘅時候,私人貸款係其中一個比較普遍同有效嘅方法,私人貸款更可以幫你精明理財! 貸款及信貸評級又有咩關係? 今次就同大家分享10個私人貸款小知識! 1. 私人貸款四圍格價可能會影響信貸評級. 相信好多人都有呢個諗法:貸款梗係要申請多幾間,格下價睇下邊間最低息! 事實上呢個諗法只啱一半,因為每個人申請私人貸款嘅實際年利率都唔一樣,主要視乎申請人嘅信貸評級同埋還款能力而定。

  7. 2018年7月3日 · 3 Jul 2018. Standard Chartered has appointed Vishu Ramachandran in the new role of Group Head, Retail Banking, further strengthening a team that is focused on delivering world-class banking services to customers in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Building on the significant progress we have already made in Retail Banking, Vishu will continue ...

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