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  1. 龍婷演唱會2023 相關

  2. Renowned for its passionate performances and innovative programming. Performs year-round with over 100 performances.

  3. 立即查看亞博館最新演唱會詳情,票務安排、座位表及活動日期等資訊。 全港最大室內場館可容納過萬人,讓你盡情體驗國際及本地演唱會和各類型音樂盛會。


  1. 於報告期間,我們於 2023 年7月22日在澳門舉辦樂華家族演唱會,履行了我們對 現場演出的承諾。 我們旗下的王一博先生、李汶翰先生等簽約藝人在演唱會

  2. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsANNUAL REPORT 2023

    • Independent Non-Executive Directors
    • Treasury policies
    • Equity price risks
    • Liquidity risks
    • Nomination of Directors
    • Board Nomination Policy
    • Nomination Process
    • Selection Criteria
    • Board Diversity Policy
    • Composition of the Diversified Board
    • 5 years
    • Emissions
    • Air Emissions
    • Waste Management
    • Use of Resources
    • Water Consumption
    • Measures for Reducing Environmental Impacts
    • Climate Change
    • Employment
    • Workplace Health and Safety
    • Employee Development and Training
    • Labour Standards
    • Child Labour and Forced Labour
    • Supplier Management
    • Handling of Complaints
    • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Protection of Data Privacy
    • Anti-Corruption
    • Whistle-blowing Policy
    • Community Involvement
    • How the matter was addressed in our audit
    • MAN Qiaozhen
    • Basis of consolidation
    • Revenue from contracts with customers
    • Over time revenue recognition: measurement of progress towards complete satisfaction of a performance obligation
    • Principal versus agent
    • The Group as a lessee
    • Foreign currencies
    • Retirement benefits costs
    • Short-term employee benefits
    • Taxation
    • Intangible assets acquired in a business combination
    • Impairment on intangible assets
    • Cash and cash equivalents
    • Provisions
    • Financial instruments
    • Financial assets
    • Financial liabilities and equity
    • Contingent liabilities
    • Segment information
    • Share options granted to employees
    • Share options granted to non-employees
    • Related parties
    • Critical judgements in applying accounting policies
    • Key sources of estimation uncertainty
    • b. Financial risk management objectives and policies
    • Market risk
    • Credit risk and impairment assessment
    • Fair value hierarchy
    • Geographical information
    • Other segment information
    • Revenue from its major services
    • Performance obligations for contracts with customers
    • c) E-commerce
    • The Group
    • Share options reserve
    • Exchange translation reserve
    • Investment revaluation reserve
    • MAN Qiaozhen
    • Summary of Financial Information

    Mr. LIU Kwong Sang Ms. WANG Miaojun Ms. WANG Yujie

    Mr. LIU Kwong Sang (Chairperson) Ms. WANG Miaojun Ms. WANG Yujie

    Mr. LIU Kwong Sang (Chairperson) Ms. SUN Wei Ms. WANG Miaojun Ms. WANG Yujie

    Ms. WANG Miaojun (Chairperson) Ms. SUN Wei Mr. LIU Kwong Sang Ms. WANG Yujie

    During the year, the Group keep focusing on its existing advertising and e-commerce business. Although it is expected that it will generate stable revenue stream to the Group, due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the global economy downturn which affect the consumption ability of the consumer and also our client. Besides, the Group also aim to develop ...

    Last but not least, on behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our shareholders, the management and our staff members for their dedication and support.

    Cash and bank deposits of the Group are mainly in Hong Kong dollars. The Group conducts its core business transaction mainly in Hong Kong dollars or Renminbi such that the Group did not use any derivative instruments to hedge its foreign currency exposure as the Group considered its foreign currency exposure is insignificant. However, management cl...

    Saved as disclosed in this report, there are no movements in the property, plant and equipment of the Group during the year.

    There are no provisions for pre-emptive rights under the Company’s articles of association (the “Articles of Association”) or the Companies Law (as revised) of the Cayman Islands which would oblige the Company to offer new shares on a pro rata basis to the existing shareholders.

    A number of factors may affect the results and business operations of the Group, the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Group are set out below:

    Equity price risk arises from fluctuation in quoted market price of the Group’s investment in financial assets. The Group counter the equity price risk by ensuring a board diversification of the Group’s investment portfolio and ensuring the investment portfolio are frequently reviewed and monitored.

    Liquidity risk is the potential that our Group will not be able to meet its obligations when fall due. In order to manage the liquidity risk, the Group will continually monitors cash flows and maintains an adequate level of cash and credit facilities to ensure the Group to meet its finance needs.

    As a responsible corporation, the Group plays an important role in protecting our environment and is committed to minimise our impact on the environment and natural resources. The Group adheres to the principle of recycling and reducing. The Group encourages and educates staff to save energy and reduce of paper use. It also encourages environmental...

    The Board recognises that our employees are one of the greatest assets contributing to the Group’s future success. The Group strives to motivate its employees with competitive remuneration package and opportunities for advancement and improvement of their skills to attract and retain our employees. The Board reviews the remuneration package of our ...

    The Directors during the year and up to the date of this annual report were:

    No Director proposed for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company which is not determinable by the Company within one year without payment of compensation, other than statutory compensation.

    No contracts concerning the management and administration of the whole or any substantial part of the business of the Company were entered into or existed during the year.

    Number of issued ordinary shares/ underlying shares of the Company Name of Director Personal interests Family interests Corporate interests Total

    The overall management of the Company’s business is vested in the Board, which assumes the responsibility for leadership and control of the Company and is collectively responsible for promotion the success of the Company by directing and supervising its affairs. All Directors should take decisions objectively in the interests of the Company. The Bo...

    In order to strengthen the functions of the Board and to oversee particular aspects of the Company’s affairs, three committees have been established, namely, the Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee. These committees are established with defined written terms of reference.

    The Board has established the Remuneration Committee. As at the date of this annual report, the Remuneration Committee comprises one executive Director, Ms. SUN Wei and three independent non-executive Directors, namely, Mr. LIU Kwong Sang, Ms. WANG Miaojun and Ms. WANG Yuijie. Mr. LIU Kwong Sang is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. The pr...

    The Nomination Committee is responsible for the formulation of nomination policies, making recommendations to Shareholders on Directors standing for re-election, providing sufficient biographical details of Directors to enable Shareholders to make an informed decision on the re-election, and where necessary, nominating appropriate persons to fill c...

    The Company adopted a nomination policy, which establishes written guidelines to the Nomination Committee to identify individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and make recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorships with reference to the formulated criteria. The Board is ultimately responsible ...

    The Nomination Committee shall assess whether any vacancy on the Board has been created or is expected on a regular basis or as required. The Nomination Committee utilizes various methods for identifying director candidates, including recommendations from Board members, management, and professional search firms. All director candidates, including i...

    The Nomination Committee will take into account whether a candidate has the qualifications, skills, experience and gender diversity that add to and complement the range of skills, experience and background of existing Directors by considering the highest personal and professional ethics and integrity of the director candidates, proven achievement a...

    The composition of the Board is reviewed on an annual basis by the Nomination Committee to ensure that the Board has the appropriate mix of expertise and experience, and collectively possesses the necessary core competence for informed decision-making and effective functioning. The Company adopted its own board diversity policy and recognises the b...

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

    Summary of Financial Information A summary of the results and of the assets, liabilities and non-controlling interests of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published audited financial statements and reclassified as appropriate, is set out below.

  3. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewswww1.hkexnews.hk

    %PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 5233 0 obj >stream hÞäZÝrÛ6 ~‚¼ fö ½h Ä g: Ql'õn g£¤iëø‚–`› ŠtH*µûô{¾ JV²NGuª&Ýf ã Àù? ? BÌu B‰\‡Bh Q(¡ Z ¥Ad „ ¹µ rau  [0á„Ï˜Ë ïx$ˆà˜½ …+Dž)’¬¼ ¥IY 2¡3ÈÍ”!½¤œ¨\èœØ‰²B[ë@9¢H-Q^h—8‚ÐÞjPd¼ СIG àÕ¤£` d) Å:mD , W³¤W[‘åŠg Ȭb)^dNóº 2Ÿ±”BdAÁ¾ŒþØ VeZXŸ 7Ë„çØd ...

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  5. 關於2023 年度計提減值準備的公告 龍源電力集團股份有限公司(「 本公司」或「公司」)董事會(「董事會」)謹此 宣佈,於二零二四年三月二十七日召開董事會會議及監事會 (「監事會」)

  6. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsANNUAL REPORT 2023

    2023 2022 於二零二三年 四月三十日 於二零二二年 四月三十日 Changes 變動 Gearing ratio (%) (Note 2) 資本負債比率(%)(附註2) 15.17% 27.67% (12.50%) Notes : 1. EBITDA for the year ended 30 April 2023, computed as loss before tax excluding net fair

  7. 流動資金、財務資源及資本架構. 於2023 年12 月31 日,本集團的現金及現金等價物為人民幣15,252 百萬元,較2022年12 月31 日款項減少人民幣65 百萬元,減幅為0.4% 。. 於2023 年12 月31日,借款總額約為人民幣5,049 百萬元,較2022 年12 月31 日結餘增加人民幣1,159百萬元,增幅為29.8 ...

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