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  1. “Rise Insurance Plan II (5)” (the “Plan”) integrates financial management and life protection in one. It provides guaranteed maturity benefit and helps satisfy your savings goal with ease. 2-year premium payment term 1 with 5-year life protection

  2. 報價及申請. *年度化保證回報率取決於您所選擇的保單貨幣及保費繳付模式;上述所示為最高年度化保證回報率,並已包括首年保費折扣。 詳情請參閱產品小冊子。 其他網上人壽保險產品. 目標三年網上儲蓄保險計劃結合儲蓄及人壽保險,只需繳付2年保費可享3年保證回報率高達4.50%。 手機網上投保簡單方便,助您達成儲蓄目標。

  3. iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan (the “Plan”) is for BOCHK mobile banking account holder for application in Hong Kong only.

  4. Whether you are traveling on holiday, business or planning a short-term overseas study trip for your children, Universal Travel Insurance provides you with a comprehensive excess free protection plan for you and your family members to enjoy a truly worry-free

  5. 香港年金計劃. 產品種類:人壽保險. 承保機構:香港年金有限公司. 香港年金計劃(「此計劃」)* 由香港年金有限公司承保,在你繳付整付保費後,向你(作為年金領取人)提供穩定的保證每月年金金額。 透過將你的一筆過現金轉化成穩定及終身的現金流,你可以更好地計劃退休生活。 本行現可轉介有興趣客戶到香港年金有限公司進行財務需要分析 # 。 *有興趣選購此計劃之客戶必須符合香港年金有限公司就香港年金計劃所不時釐定之投保資格及要求。 有關計劃之條款及細則,以香港年金有限公司之公佈及最終批核為準。 詳情請向本行持牌保險中介人查詢。 # 該財務需要分析旨在確定由香港年金有限公司所提供的有關退休保險方案是否適合該客戶,而該方案並非由代理銀行所提供。 重要事項:

    • 港元
    • 終身
    • 終身
  6. Target 5 Years Insurance Plan Series let you enjoy 5 years of comprehensive life protection and achieve your wealth management goal in 5 years by paying premiums for just 2 years. The plan provides you with 3 choices of policy currencies, including Hong Kong Dollar, United States Dollar and Renminbi, to match your needs.

  7. MaxiWealth ULife Insurance Plan. Product Type: Life Insurance. Insurer: BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited. BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) offers MaxiWealth ULife Insurance Plan (“the Plan”) which is a universal life insurance plan that provides you with flexibility in financial planning and whole life protection.

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    5g plan