雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The programme aims to provide students with professional training in marketing and to equip them with basic skills in data analytics on marketing management, especially with better utilization of technology for marketing analysis, planning and implementation.

  2. www.vtc.edu.hk › studyat › tc傑出校友

    現於香港飛機工程有限公司 (HAECO)任職的楊嘉雯,中學時便醉心航空夢。. 為了圓夢,她報讀 VTC 機構成員青年學院的文憑課程,銜接 IVE 的飛機維修工程高級文憑,之後再修畢THEi 高科院飛機工程學士學位,踏上專業路。. 「由青年學院銜接上 IVE 的過程十分順利 ...

  3. www.vtc.edu.hk › studyat › tc傑出校友

    2017 年,她成功在逾 40 個國家選手中脫穎而出,成為 WSCT 成員,此後她不時前赴海外包括荷蘭、比利時、俄羅斯等,協助推廣「世界技能大賽」及職業專才教育,希望能透過自身經歷,鼓勵各地年輕人發展技能,踏上專才路。 返回主頁.

  4. The programme aims to provide students with professional training in marketing and to equip them with basic skills in data analytics on marketing management, especially with better utilization of technology for marketing analysis, planning and implementation. It ...

  5. As the highest recognition conferred by the Vocational Training Council (VTC), the Honorary Fellowships are awarded to distinguished individuals in recognition of their contributions to the VTC, the development of vocational and professional education and training or the community of Hong Kong.

  6. Vocational Chinese Communication: Putonghua Conversation and Reports. Whole Person Development - Collaboration, Teamwork & Social Engagement. Creative Project. Semester 3: Marketing Research. Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship. English and Communication: Persuasive Presentations. Whole Person Development - Enhancing Competencies in the 21st ...

  7. 開辦院校/上課地點. (預算學額) IVE(沙田) - 90. 2023入學分數 (只供參考) (註1) 平均成績 : 14. 分數範圍 : 10 - 19. 課程宗旨. 本課程旨在培訓學生特殊幼兒教育及融合教育的專業理論、技能和態度,強調專業知識與實踐的融合,並透過行業實習,促進學生發展成為 ...