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    • 長洲西園豪華露營體驗。長州西園必住超人氣「星海之森」,享受戶外豪華露營Glamping!(Pic|Instagram@vanessafooddiary)
    • 元朗農樂營豪華觀星露營體驗。星空圓拱帳觀星打卡必選。位於元朗的農樂營豪華觀星露營,帶你遠離都市的煩囂,寧靜地享受香港的夜空。全新主題玩樂及觀星露營小屋已經推出,包括有不同的主題房間,大部分附設有觀星露營帳。
    • 大嶼山長沙浪高長岸露營車體驗。在大嶼山長沙體驗豪華露營和露營車過夜 | PIC | Klook。美景海灘與露營車不再是國外露營的專利,其實香港大嶼山亦有豪華露營和露營車可以過夜。
    • 流浮山白泥豪華露營體驗。白泥部落營區有大片草地,大人小朋友都一定玩得開心。(Pic|Instagram@fifi_z)流浮山白泥部落2020年完成翻新,營地有3種帳營選擇,包括蒙古包營 (2人)、部落營 (2-4人)、帆船營 (4-6人),所有帳營均設有冷氣。
  1. 2024年1月10日 · GOtrip首頁 香港 香港郊遊. 露營地點2023|踏入秋冬天氣清涼,唔少市民都鍾意周末去露營。 Gotrip就為大家整合了10個香港必去的露營地點,以下營地設備齊全,大多都有齊洗手間、共用雪櫃、泊車位,就連凍熱水浴室都有,就算是無露營經驗的新手都唔洗擔心,當然不想自己紮營的話也可參考以下Glamping豪華露營推介! 即睇GOtrip小編為你精心推薦的2024香港郊遊最新資訊: Glamping豪華露營推介 56大露營地點推介. 露營地點2023|10大香港露營好去處推介! Car Camping+魚塘邊露營+BBQ. 露營地點2023|1. 元朗白泥生態保育農莊. 白泥生態保育農莊設有一大片草地範圍作為露營場地,無論你想體驗帳篷式露營或者觀星露營,營地都一應俱全。

    • camping1
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  2. Action Camping HK專營各款露營及戶外用品,旺角西洋菜街百寶利門市信心保證,經營產品包括,露營背囊,露營帳篷,露營睡袋,露營爐頭套鍋, 充氣睡墊, 水樽及水袋 等等,品牌包括:Lowe alpine, Rab, Osprey, Kovea, Chums, GSI, Coghlans, Gergory, Soto, Snowline, MSR, Nemo, Helinox 等等 ...

  3. About Enjoy Camping. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department manages 41 campsites within the Hong Kong Country Parks. In order to optimize campsite use, an advance booking system (pilot scheme) is hereby introduced for the public to reserve camping units at Twisk Campsite.

    • Tap Mun
    • Wan Tsai
    • Nam Shan
    • Long Ke Wan
    • Man Cheung Po
    • Tai Long Wan
    • Hok Tau Campsite
    • Tung Lung Chau
    • Pui O

    One of our favourite places to go camping in Hong Kong, this remote but popular campsite is situated atop the Southern headland of Tap Mun, also known as Grass Island and located off the northeastern coast of the Sai Kung Peninsula. While it can take up to 90 minutes to reach, campers will be rewarded with fresh air and beautiful trails above the w...

    For starry nights and picturesque scenery, Wan Tsai won’t disappoint! Located at the top end of Long Harbour, campers can choose from two campsites: Wan Tsai South and Wan Tsai West. These sites are known for their stunning views overlooking Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. The spacious area is designed with ample facilities, including seating, changing are...

    Set amidst tranquil woodlands and a stone’s throw away from Pui O beach, Nam Shan campsite allows campers to enjoy the best of both worlds. Facilities include picnic seating, playgrounds, and the largest barbecuearea in Lantau Country Park. Hike by day, roast marshmallows by night and be sure to check out the viewing point where you can enjoy panor...

    Wondering where to go camping in Hong Kong? Located in Sai Kung East Country Park, Long Ke Wan is one of the city’s hidden treasures. Suitable for experienced hikers and campers, this secluded spot is pollution-free and boasts silky white sand and crystal clear waters. While the journey can take up to three hours, you will be rewarded with a gentle...

    Set up your tent at Man Cheung Po Campsite adjacent to The Flying Dragon and Tsz Hing Monastery to delight in a luscious view of nature. With toilets, tables, barbecue pits, clotheslines, and adequate drainage, the small but well-equipped campsite has everything you need right in the middle of a natural wonderland – singing birds and all! Be sure t...

    Located behind the Kap Man Hang Bridge and adjacent to Stage 2 of the MacLehose Trail, campers can choose to pitch a tent on the beach or nearby grassland, before enjoying breathtaking views of the shoreline and off-shore islands. There are basic facilities onsite including picnic tables, changing rooms, and barbecue pits, as well as a few restaura...

    If you like to be surrounded by woodlands and don’t mind venturing further afield, head to Hok Tau Campsite, situated at the northern slope of Shek Au Shan. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Hok Tau Family Walk, or explore local farms and the reservoir before cooling down at the freshwater stream. Facilities include a barbecue site, seating, and t...

    For history buffs, set up camp in a location from a bygone era at Tung Lung Chau. Located a 20-minute walk from the pier, the designated Special Area measures three hectares in size and includes both the campsite and a Qing Dynasty fort, built over 300 years ago. Besides exploring the fort, you can also try rock-climbing along the rugged coastline....

    For beach lovers, Pui O is one of the most popular camping sites in Hong Kong. This comes as no surprise as the campsite offers 52 spots surrounded by lush greenery and a glistening beach. Though this is a back-to-basics DIY experience, facilities do include toilets, changing rooms, and barbecue pits – all free of charge! Pack your gear and get rea...

  4. 如果你想在大帽山荃錦營地享受露營的樂趣,你可以在這個網站上預約營位。你只需選擇營地、日期和人數,然後填寫個人資料,就可以輕鬆完成預約。你還可以在這裡查看營地的環境、設施和注意事項,讓你的露營之旅更安全和舒適。

  5. 2018年8月5日 · Escape the crowds and become one with nature for a weekend and pitch your tent at one of the best campsites in Hong Kong.

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