雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 2021年10月18日 · Step 1: Carpet vacuuming. Use a strong vacuum to remove dust, mites and garbage from carpets. 2. Step 2: Removing stains. Spray professional strong environmentally-friendly carpet stain remover to remove stubborn stains. Remove oil stains, tea stains, red wine stains, coffee stains, gum stains, etc. 3. Step 3: Deep scrubbing.

  3. 香港360清洗地毯的流程. 我們在進行所有工作之前要先吸塵,使用工業強度的吸塵設備清除地毯上的細小顆粒及垃圾。 我們將專業的地毯清潔濟噴灑到污漬區域,進行重點清潔,作為我們專業服務,我們注重每一個細節。 我們使用地毯刷機/蒸洗機把所有覆蓋地毯的地方清洗,我們的技術可以清除地毯上的污垢和污漬,同時恢復化學平衡和原始色彩。 最後的重新抽走殘留地毯的污水。 地氈沒有清洗除了不好看,也容易藏匿細菌,降低地氈壽命,我們的地毯清潔服務分為乾式洗地毯及蒸地毯清洗,我們清洗地毯均用環保清潔劑,並可去除地毯上的污漬,透過我們洗地氈的服務,重新讓地毯清潔乾淨,給家人或員工一個舒適的生活空間.

  4. carpet. cleaning procedure to be used. Our thorough rug cleaning process includes: Pre-dusting, Vacuuming, Hand Brushing, Natural Drying and Control Drying. Carpets of all sorts are welcomed to be fixed. They are treated with care and our experts ensure that your problem is fixed. Best of the ways are used in cleaning your carpet.

  5. 專業推薦地毯清潔及消毒 ( Carpet cleaning)不單可以令地毯保持光潔如新更可以守護大眾健康舒緩鼻敏感不適! 地毯長期欠缺清潔保養,不單外觀會變黃,而且會有大量污跡、塵埃、細菌、蟎蟲等等。 特別在香港這個又熱又潮濕的地方! 香港有9成鼻敏感患者的致敏源是塵埃及蟎蟲,影響香港市民健康。 黃氏清潔公司會使用專業清潔機械及清潔劑,以針對地毯去污、除臭、滅蟲及保養於一身的清潔服務! * 蟎蟲如何影響我們健康 * 以下是一些常見有關地毯清潔的問題及令你認識更多有關資訊: Q1. 是否與平時吸塵機一樣? A1. 絕對不是! Q2. 專業地毯清潔的過程是那麼樣?洗地毯是否很煩? A2. 地毯清潔主要分以下三個步驟: 客人只要安坐靜候服務完成便可! Q3. 多久才需要地毯清潔?

  6. Cleaning your carpet properly is easier than you think. All it takes is a little knowledge about how to select the right carpet cleaning products and the most appropriate cleaning method. The CRI Seal of Approval program helps you identify effective carpet cleaning

  7. 2024年3月20日 · White vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide. Carpet cleaner. Rug brush. Spray bottle. Microfiber cloths. How often to clean your carpet. Digender/Getty Images. Your carpet will naturally collect dirt and...

  8. Learn how to professionally clean carpet in homes, businesses, and other commercial facilities. These Jon-Don guidelines will help with all types of carpets in a variety of settings. Carpet Cleaning Guidelines and Procedures