雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年5月7日 · The people of Hong Kong, after all, are known worldwide for their passionate pursuit of good life, wining and dining. That's abundantly evident in the extraordinary number of restaurants here, covering the full menu of local, regional and global cuisines at every

  2. 2021年5月6日 · The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department today announced that catering premises may change their modes of operation according to their needs under the prerequisite of fulfilling the vaccine bubble principle.

  3. 2020年7月16日 · The Government today announced that designated staff canteens and catering businesses providing meals for staff members to eat in will be exempted from the restrictions on dine-in services starting tonight. From July 15, restaurants ceased to provide dine-in services from 6pm to 4.59am of the following day.

  4. 2022年1月17日 · 食環署轄下街市熟食/小食攤檔的承租人,以及在公營屋邨持有小販牌照經營熟食業務的人士,可申請25,000元 資助 ,預期約1,000名經營者受惠。 另外, 商營浴室牌照持有人資助計劃 為每名合資格持牌人提供五萬元資助,而 公眾娛樂場所牌照持有人資助計劃 則為公眾娛樂場所牌照持有人和臨時公眾娛樂場所牌照持有人分別提供五萬元和一萬元資助。 有關計劃料可惠及約50間商營浴室、約570個公眾娛樂場所及臨時公眾娛樂場所的牌照持有人。 食環署表示,批出的補助會以劃線支票寄往相關持牌處所在該署登記的通訊地址。 至於電影院營運者,明日至本月底可申請 電影院資助計劃 。 去年12月份持公共娛樂場所牌照並有商業營運的現有電影院皆可獲資助,每所電影院每塊銀幕五萬元,每條院線最多可獲150萬元資助。

  5. 2022年1月27日 · Meanwhile, each eligible catering outlet, if also running a karaoke establishment, nightclub and bar or pub and has closed the whole of its licensed premises as directed under the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirement & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation, can apply for an additional relief of $25,000 according to the respective ...

  6. 2022年1月17日 · Karaoke establishments, nightclubs and bars or pubs that are directed to close the whole of the licensed premises as directed under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirement & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation, are eligible to apply for an additional $25,000 subsidy.

  7. 2019年11月14日 · November 14, 2019. The Social Welfare Department today said all commissioned home care services teams have taken measures in light of the recent social situation to deliver meal services to elderly people in need. The department issued the statement in response to an online appeal regarding meal delivery services for the elderly.

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