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  2. Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer. Chemotherapy is a drug or a combination of drugs. They travel through the body to kill cancer cells wherever they are. Your doctor may recommend chemotherapy as part of your primary treatment. You may also have chemotherapy after another treatment, such as surgery or radiation.

  3. Not all people with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) will need chemo, but depending on the cancer’s stage and other factors, chemo may be recommended in different situations: Before surgery (neoadjuvant chemotherapy): Neoadjuvant chemo may be used (sometimes with radiation therapy ) to try to shrink a tumor to make it easier to remove it ...

  4. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), but doctors may also use it before or after surgery, or instead of surgery, in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)....

  5. 癌症治療. 病人支援. 補充資料. 肺癌是香港最常見的癌症。 在2021年,肺癌新症共有5 978宗,佔本港癌症新症總數的15.5%,而男女宗數比例約為1.4比1。 按粗發病率計算,每十萬香港人口中即有約81宗新增肺癌個案,而男性發病年齡中位數為70歲,女性則為68歲。 肺癌是本港致命癌症的首位。 在2021年,肺癌導致4 037人死亡,佔癌症死亡總數的26.7%。 及早發現肺癌能提升治癒率,可惜大部分病人確診患上肺癌時已達中期或晚期,增加了治療的難度。 因此高危人士例如煙民與經常吸食二手煙的人要對呼吸道疾病保持警覺,即使不幸患上肺癌,亦能及早發現,增加治癒率。 數據顯示,整體肺癌患者的五年相對存活率為21.8%。

  6. 吸煙是引致肺癌的主要成因. 百分之九十的肺癌都與吸煙有關. 四十歲以下患上肺癌的人很少. 五十歲以上的人患上肺癌的機會大幅的增加. 開始吸煙的年齡越輕,患肺癌的機率越大. 十個吸煙人士中有一人患得肺癌. 吸煙斗或雪茄者患上肺癌的風險比吸香煙的人為低,但仍然比非吸煙者高的多. 吸二手煙者,患癌風險低過吸煙者. 肺癌的症狀. 持續咳嗽. 呼吸短促. 痰中帶血絲. 胸痛:咳嗽或深呼吸時,胸口隱隱作痛或突然劇痛. 食慾不振和體重下降. 如果發現以上任何一種症狀,及時求醫;但請注意,這些症狀的出現,也可能因為其他疾病引起。 如何診斷. 初步檢驗: 檢驗是否有肺癌,醫生會安排你前往醫院接受一個或多個檢查。 支氣管鏡檢查 (Bronchoscopy) 縱隔鏡檢查 (Mediastinoscopy)

  7. 2023年2月28日 · Summary. Chemotherapy involves drugs that prevent or slow the growth of cancer cells. It is the main treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC). For non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), doctors...

  8. 2024年4月30日 · If you have a larger lung cancer, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be used before surgery to shrink the cancer. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy also may be used after surgery if there's a risk that cancer cells were left behind or that your cancer may come back.