雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年5月17日 · Adaptation advantage: business survival in a global pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 worldwide has affected everyone, from small businesses to large corporations. Such difficult times, however, bring opportunities too. Historically, businesses have found creative ways to adapt, and even thrive, during times of crisis.

  2. 2024年5月16日 · 渣打銀行財富管理主管陳太齡表示面對Delta變種病毒市場短線上有所擔心但主要經濟體像是美國就業率好轉消費提升景氣朝復甦前進而採取疫苗與疫情共存的英國也獲市場青睞。 各國下一階段要思考的是,如何與疫情共處? 避免接觸而轉換的工作模式、投資(理財)行為可能成為新常態。 疫後新常態一:混合式工作 消費型態轉變. 「遠距工作」從一九八 年代源於歐洲,疫情讓它成為全球性的大實驗。 歐美實施超過一年,帶來哪些改變? 微軟最新發布「工作趨勢指數 (Work Trend Index)」調查, 以《混合式工作模式即將顛覆現狀—我們做好準備了嗎? 》為題,結果顯示「過去一年,職場的工作模式已徹底改變。

  3. 2020年8月5日 · While the COVID-19 pandemic is far more pervasive than any other crisis we have experienced in our lifetime, it has prompted companies to think long and hard about the fundamentals of their business and what they must to do to survive and thrive going forward. Regardless of the industry, at the outset of the crisis digitisation was a crucial first-response action for businesses to implement ...

  4. How financial institutions can improve their risk-based approaches to fight financial crime more effectively during COVID-19 and beyond. As the pandemic continues, the impact on our everyday lives and the way we do things will persist for some time. While regulators have been proactive in communicating the types of risks to the public, the onus...

  5. 2020年6月23日 · I believe that COVID-19 doesn’t have to just represent the biggest challenge to business in recent history. As we’re finding out at Standard Chartered, it can be a chance to look at the world with new eyes. But also, to take a hard look at ourselves.

  6. 2020年6月1日 · With both domestic consumption and international trade volumes slashed overnight by COVID-19-related restrictions, finding urgent solutions to immediate problems has become of existential importance across Africa and the Middle East. Corporates that don’t yet have digital processes in place have sought workarounds, and according to Zaeem ...

  7. 6 天前 · 去全球化. 在新冠肺炎爆發之前,地緣政治(尤其是美中之間)的緊張局勢就已經開始升溫。 現在疫情更進一步加劇了對大型跨國公司營運與資金流動的威脅。 根據國際顧問機構麥肯錫的一項研究顯示,從歷史上來看,大約每3年企業就會遭遇二到四周的供應中斷,造成一年營業利潤約45%的損失。 然而,近年來,與地緣政治及貿易有關的爭端增加了此類中斷的頻率和不可預測性。 因此,企業選擇通過外包、透明度高和財務上有彈性的商業夥伴,來提高供應鏈的彈性,同時多角化資產並優化產品來源地。 事實證明,這無論對公司或是終端消費者來說,都產生了很高的轉換成本。 重視永續發展. 由於疫情的關係,企業永續發展的趨勢也已經加快步伐。