雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年4月8日 · 在日本,應屆生找工作被稱為「就職活動」。 大多數畢業生都是按照就職活動的日程表按部就班地行動,最後拿到那令人心動的「內定(offer)」。 在日本進行就職活動的主要階段. 在日本進行就職活動到拿到內定(offer)時的步驟主要可分為下面六項,但其實無論現在的座標在哪,對於剛畢業或轉職的人來說,都很有借鑒價值。 1. 自我分析. 2. 行業與企業研究. 3. 自我推薦與應聘理由. 4. 投遞履歷(Entersheet) 5. 筆試. 6. 面試. 1. 自我分析. 比起盲目投簡歷找工作,日本提倡 先對自己進行剖析 的流程做法就顯得非常科學。 所謂的自我分析,指的是通過自己學生時代的專業和一些社會實習、打工等的經歷,來綜合評價自己的優勢和缺陷,來更好的定位適合自己的工作類型。

  2. 2017年1月26日 · Jobs in Japan may look a little messy, but beneath the surface you'll find a treasure trove of job findings that you probably won't find on the other sites on this list. A quick perusal of Jobs in Japan shows unusual job openings, such as for football coaches, outdoor guides and product testers.

  3. 創業於1947年的「銀座スイスGrill Swiss」店址就座落在蛋包飯始祖「煉瓦亭」的隔壁,在1948 年時已故棒球選手前巨人隊的千葉茂先生在球員時期經常到這裡吃飯,因為想要吃得更飽以便有力氣練習,向老闆請求「在咖哩飯放上豬排吧!」,因著此言咖哩 ...

  4. 2019年6月17日 · Now that we’ve established what an ALT is, let’s get into the nitty gritty of how to become one. We’ll take a look at six options, including a few private dispatch companies, the JET program, and direct-hire scenarios. 1. Interac. Interac was founded in 1972, and is the largest private provider of ALTs in the country.

  5. 2017年10月16日 · Landing a teaching job in Japan isn't particularly difficult. In most cases, you'll get hired without ever stepping foot into the country, provided you have a bachelor's degree, proven English competency, and don't completely blow the interview. However, those seeking a job at a university have a few more hurdles to jump. 1. The Easier Way. The ...

  6. 2018年4月6日 · Even employees in other divisions of your company get an osewa ni natte orimasu at the start of a conversation, since they’re all ostensibly doing things that contribute to the company’s overall success and stability, which you benefit from too, and so they deserve a verbal thank-you. 5. 'Yoroshiku onegai itashimasu' (Please/good-bye)

  7. 2020年8月5日 · One of the best ways to polish your Japanese language skills is to go shopping and make a note of what the staff say. Ask them questions, buy something, and listen. Most importantly, note the tone of their voice and use of keigo, the polite form of Japanese. You will need to master keigo before you start working, as speaking to customers in ...

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