雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月5日 · 個人資料. 買賣雙方的姓名、身份證明文件號碼(例如香港身份證、護照等)。 如果是二手車行或以公司名義購入,可寫上商業登記證號碼。 車輛資料. 包括車輛廠名、型號、製造年份、車身顏色及車牌號碼外,還有底盤/車輛識別號碼、引擎號碼及行車里數。 車價雜費. 除了車價,如果車輛需要進行政府 驗車 、購買 牌費 、過戶及 留牌套牌 等手續,應列出有關項目所需費用,將會由買方或賣方負責。 支付方式. 列明支付方式及日期,例如是現金、轉數或支票等,所支付的是訂金還是車價尾數等。 交易時間. 簽訂汽車買賣合約的日期及車輛的預計完成交易時間,並應列明如未能在指定日期前完成交易後的做法,例如是否取消交易、取回訂金或加上賠償金額等。 法律責任.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  2. 2021年3月18日 · 如果解僱後,外傭情緒低落,僱主可以承諾給予她一封較好的離職信(Release Letter),幫助她可以日後另覓新僱主。 如果外傭真的拒絕離開,僱主可以報警求助,或致電領事館及僱傭中心要求協助調停。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 電子郵件 * 請提供詳盡資料,以便保險顧問為您選擇最理想的方案. * 必須提供的資料. Kwiksure快而保致力為客戶提供專業優質的保險服務,包括汽車 (全保及三保)、電單車、港珠澳大橋、家傭、 家居、旅遊、自願醫保等保險免費報價服務,為你比較多款產品並選出最適合你的方案。 立即聯絡我們取得報價!

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Domestic Helper Employment Contract Termination Process
    • Premature Domestic Helper Employment Contract Termination Procedure
    • Domestic Helpers Contract Termination Fees
    • Considerations to Make Before Dismissing Your Helper…
    • Points to Note When Dismissing Domestic Helpers
    • Restrictions on The Dismissal of Foreign Domestic Helpers
    • Contact Kwiksure For Your Insurance Solutions

    Premature termination

    Both the employer and the domestic helper have the right to prematurely terminate the employment contract by giving one month's notice or pay one month's salary in lieu of notice. In this article, we'll focus mainly on this method of contract termination.

    Termination upon finishing the contract

    If neither party has their heart set on renewing, you only need to maintain this employment relationship until 28 days before the work visa granted by the Immigration Department expires. Alternatively, both parties can continue their employment relationship right up to the day the contract expires. Both scenarios above are considered ways of finishing the contract agreeably.

    Immediate termination due to disagreement

    You have the right to deny one month's notice and one month's salary if your helper has committed a grave mistake. Several examples include, "willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order", "misconducts himself/herself", "is guilty of fraud or dishonesty", "is habitually neglectful in his/her duties", and more. With that said, immediate non-contractual termination due to disagreement is a serious disciplinary action. Resort to this only if your helper has made an extremely serious mistake...

    Fill in the "Notification of Termination of Employment Contract with Foreign Domestic Helper (ID 407E)" form, and inform the Immigration Departmentwithin 7 days before the contract expires.
    Confirm with your helper the final day of work and her day of departure from Hong Kong.

    To terminate the FDH employment contract, usually, you'll have to pay the following entitlements: 1. Outstanding wages 2. Payment in lieu of notice, if any 3. Payment in lieu of untaken annual leaves 4. Long service payment/severance payment, if any 5. Flight ticket to the place of origin via the most direct route 6. Other fees that are required by...

    Usually, laying off a helper is everybody's last resort. Before officially dismissing her, consider the following questions:

    First, consider asking for help from a domestic helper center. Generally-speaking, if this is your first time hiring a helper and dismissing her because of her poor job performance, certain centers will not recharge you or a part of the fee will be waived. Read on for several additional precautions to take and their solutions:

    The Employment Ordinance stipulates that the employer cannot end the employment contract under the following circumstances: 1. She is taking paid sick leave 2. She was injured 3. She is pregnant 4. She belongs to or has joined a union

    With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry, Kwiksure provides a wide spectrum of policies, including domestic helper insurance. We provide outpatient and inpatient coverage for your helper, while protecting you against liabilities. Contact our teamof expert insurance advisors today for impartial advice and a free plan comparison!

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  4. 2023年2月10日 · 第一步 在印尼大使館進行合約公證. 僱主或印傭可前往印尼大使館為其 ID407 家庭僱傭合約進行公證。 印尼駐港大使館. 地址:銅鑼灣敬誠街 6-8 號禮頓道 127-129 號. 辦公時間:9:30 am 至 4:30 pm,星期一至五. 聯絡電話:+852 3651-0200. 大使會發出 ID407 家庭僱傭合約 (一式四份): 一份予印尼領事. 一份予入境處進行工作簽證延長手續. 一份予僱主. 一份予印尼外傭. 收集後,僱主和印傭必須簽署四份合約,確保資料一模一樣。 若有任何問題則須劃去並在旁邊簽名確認。 外傭自行續約文件. 為印傭合約續期需以下文件: 申請信,表明他們願意延續僱傭合約,且已達成之前合約的基本僱傭權利. 全新的家庭僱傭合約 (ID407) 已填好及簽好.

  5. The Car Insurance Claims Process in Hong Kong. Here, you'll find a comprehensive guide by Kwiksure's team of experts on what to do in the aftermath of a traffic accident, things to note on settlements, and the car insurance claims process.

  6. 當然了! 當保單屆乎續保期,承保人及經紀將發出自動續保通知信給你,信上將列明原有保單到期日、新保單的保費和保單生效日期。 保險代理可能透過郵寄或電郵方式通知你自動續保事宜,詳情可參考保險文件說明。 自動續保無煩惱 (很多車主都會選擇這種方案),然而,有的車主會選擇續保前四出格價,嘗試尋找令人心動的保障計劃,據我們所知當中不乏成功例子。 你可以親自操刀格價,或者你可以找經驗豐富的快而保幫忙。 續保前應該考慮甚麼? 保費計算方法和你的過往記錄:如果你過去並無索償記錄而且將可享有 無索償折扣 ,那麼跟現有的承保人續保顯得更加精明。 同理,如果你曾涉及事故並提出索償,續保前應審視新的保費會否明顥高於另覓全新的保險計劃。 此外,重新評估自己的保險需要會否和原來的有差別。

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