雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年9月21日 · 墨爾本冬季大師展 (Winter Masterpiece)是維州國立美術館(NGV)舉行的年度系列大型展覽。 埃及法老展明年登墨爾本。 Source: SBS. 適逢冬季大師展今年20周年,超過500件與圖坦卡門(Tutankhamun)、拉美西斯二世 (Ramses II )和其他著名法老王有關的文物將展出。 與古埃及最著名的國王有關的文物,包括圖坦卡門和拉美西斯二世在內,將來到NGV。 NGV的2024年冬季大師展「Pharaoh」將是大英博物館(British Museum)有史以來最大規模的國際巡迴展覽,展示超過500件價值連城的文物,穿越3000年歷史。 更多內容. 總理艾巴尼斯宣佈對澳洲新冠應對作出調查. 【度假book房要交稅? 】維州從2025年起徵收短期住宿稅.

  2. 2024年6月1日 · Interview CAM Sieu HA, Ning Nam Artist , re His Artistic Exhibition, Colour ink Cultivation, to be held at Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery, re His style of painting, his contribution to the Buddhist community in Melbourne, and his religious practice during the process of painting. SBS Chinese in your Inbox.

  3. 2016年12月11日 · Published 11 December 2016 11:16am. Updated 12 December 2016 10:26am. By Thomas Sung. Source: SBS. Available in other languages. Share this with family and friends. 宋慶勤訪問著名墨爾本嶺南派畫家何錦釗先生, 假座墨爾本佛光園,舉行的畫展,定名為彩墨修行。 請他細說今次展品的特色,與及他在畫畫的同事,如何體會佛家的修行。 分享. 【簽證上訴指令變更】「社區安全」成審查簽證首要考慮. 【開心星期三特別編】香港街頭美食. 立即訂閱SBS中文電子報. 訂閱SBS中文電子報,接收最新新聞資訊。

  4. 2016年12月11日 · Published 11 December 2016 11:30am. Updated 12 December 2016 10:26am. By Thomas Sung. Source: SBS. Available in other languages. Share this with family and friends. 宋庆勤访问着名墨尔本岭南派画家何锦钊先生, 假座墨尔本佛光园,举行的画展,定名为彩墨修行。 请他细说今次展品的特色,与及他在画画的同事,如何体会佛家的修行。 分享. 伽马文化艺术节能否帮助修复澳洲与中国的关系? SBS 新闻简报(8月2日) SBS中文. 注册SBS中文newsletter即可获取最新资讯. 订阅.

  5. 2024年4月22日 · Tracing his Aboriginal relations back 65,000 years, Indigenous artist Archie Moore has drawn on his "connection to place" in his winning entry at a major European art exhibition. Moore designed the Australian pavilion, called "kith and kin" at the Venice Biennale and took out the Golden Lion award for best national contribution.

  6. The yidaki – the subject of a major exhibition now on show at the South Australian Museum – is an instrument owned exclusively by the Yolngu people of North East Arnhem Land.

  7. 2019年7月5日 · One of the most important artistic influences and partners Mr Zhou had during those early years was Aboriginal artist Jimmy Pike. Their work gave birth to a series of artworks that were exhibited ...