雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. As one of the licensed funeral service providers in Hong Kong, White Lily is committed to offering high quality and personalized services that are delivered with passion and care. Discover a complete & reliable range of funeral services in Hong Kong.

  2. 首頁 - Universal Funeral. 我們的服務. 服務流程. 善終圓生. 治喪策劃. 奉體入舘. 奠禮儀式. 葬禮及之後. 專人解答有關殯葬喪禮細節及價錢問題. 協助辦理及領取死亡証,火葬紙/土葬紙等文件. 更多服務….. 提供尼姑唸經. 提供法事. 供應紙紥,具備燒爐方便化寶. 潔體化妝,防腐. 完整設備提供放先人照片服務. 供應壽衣/香燭/紅白被/孝服. 供應花圈/花牌. 佈置設靈房間/禮堂. 供應祭品. 供應灰盅選擇. 運載遺體往外地及從返港. 備有靈車隊送別先人. 備有輪椅用的電梯,方便傷殘人仕進出. 我們的承諾. 誠信….關心….尊重. 我們本著服務市民的宗旨,讓先人能極盡哀榮的離開塵世,讓後人以坦然安穩之心一盡孝道,涓涓流水,連綿不息。

  3. As Hong Kong's longest established and most trusted funeral service provider, we are committed professionals dedicated to the cause of serving families in need of support 24 hours a day, any day of the week. OUR MISSION.

  4. 九龍殯儀館創立於1958年提供一站式專業殯儀服務, Kowloon Funeral Parlour - Hong Kong's most experienced funeral services provider conducting services in all styles and scales since 1958

  5. Funeral Service Arrangement and Prices in Hong Kong. The passing of a loved one is never easy, but a professional funeral service provider can help ease the grieving process. A proper funeral service allows your family and friends to reminisce, honor, and commemorate the beautiful life of your loved one.

  6. Contact us today for personalized funeral, memorial, and burial services in Hong Kong that truly honour your loved one’s memory. CIRCLE LIFE At Circle Life Services, we hope to create the final farewell in life for every special person,

  7. 服務簡介 - 簡介 - Kowloon Funeral Parlour | 九龍殯儀館 | 香港殯儀服務. 首頁. 服務範疇. 服務分類. 產品. 設施. 顧客評價. 殯葬服務套餐. 關於我們. 聯絡我們. 訂購花籃. 出殯日期. 用戶登入. 板鋪登入/註冊. 服務範圍〉服務簡介. 服務簡介. 花籃及靈堂佈置. 宗教禮儀. 服務簡介. 代辦一切殯殮事宜安排殯葬儀式的每個細節,並且提供專業意見;按顧客的要求設計靈堂佈置,花飾安排,為家屬及賓客安排追思會及解慰酒,以及根據個別宗教信仰或傳統禮節,安排協助介紹喪服及各式用品。 文件及行政事宜協助處理所有文件及行政事宜。 收費具透明度,詳細列明各項收費。 遺體安排及協助奉移、準備及運送遺體;安排土葬/火葬(火葬場預訂情況)。

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