雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Government provides a facility at a charge, insurers can continue to provide cover for injury caused by terrorist activities by paying a charge to Government, employers will also be able to enjoy insurance protection.

  2. With the approval of the Finance Committee on 11 January 2002, we set up the $10 billion facility covering terrorism risks in respect of EC insurance business. With the cover provided by the facility, the protection rendered to employees under EC insurance policies has remained intact.

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  3. By the end of December 2021, the Government has received about $2.95 billion from the charge imposed on the participating insurers since establishment of the facility in January 2002.

  4. 2023年5月25日 · 《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》及《聯合國制裁條例》訂定的規例實施聯合國安全理事會施加的制裁,而《大規模毀滅武器(提供服務的管制)條例》則管制提供涉及懷疑與大規模毀滅武器擴散有關的服務。 證監會所發出的《打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集指引(適用於持牌法團及獲證監會發牌的虛擬資產服務提供者)》,載列打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集的相關法定和監管規定,及持牌法團和獲證監會發牌的虛擬資產服務提供者為遵守《打擊洗錢條例》下的法定規定而應符合的打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集標準。 該指引亦提供實際導引,以助持牌法團、獲證監會發牌的虛擬資產服務提供者及其高級管理層制訂及執行經營領域的政策、程序及管控措施,以符合打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集的法定及監管規定。 如欲查閱相關的法例及監管規定,請按 本連結 。

  5. The premium includes 5.8%E.C.I.Levy, 3% Government Terrorism Facility charge, 2% Employees Compensation Insurer Insolvency Bureau (ECIIB) and 0.1% Premium Levy. 保費已包括5.8% 僱員補償保險徵款、 3% 恐佈襲擊保費、 2% 保險公司[ 僱員補償] 無力償債管理局徵款及0.1% 保費徵費。. The minimum premium of the ...

  6. The rate of the Employees’ Compensation Insurance Levy payable on each premium payable by an insured in respect of any insurance policy issued by an insurer—. before the commencement# of section 47 of the Occupational Deafness (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 469) is 2%;

  7. 2017年6月28日 · Participating insurers are required to pay a monthly charge of 3% on the gross premiums written for the month of their EC policies to the Government. With this Facility, insurers can continue to provide cover for employment-related claims for death and bodily injuries caused by terrorist acts and the protection of both employers and ...