雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年1月26日 · Hanami is the name Japanese give to cherry blossom viewing. While the pink hues of sakura are wonderful by themselves, there’s nothing better than company, food and drinks to enhance them. Japanese people know this well, and it’s a common custom to accompany viewing with a picnic party. So follow our path to the perfect hanami! 1. When to Hanami.

  2. 2017年3月16日 · Hirosaki is a city in western Aomori Prefecture known for its beautiful castle and cherry blossoms. The city holds a Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) every year from late April to early May. - allabout-japan.com. Cherry blossom vewing, or 'hanami,' has a long tradition in Japan.

  3. 2018年4月19日 · Fast fashion has sailed around the world, with companies such as Zara, H&M and Mango boasting branches globally. But which are the trendy fast-fashion stores in Japan? A major annual survey reveals the nation's Top 5 brands with the highest customer satisfaction!

  4. 2014年4月3日 · Home. > Travel. > Traditions. 9 Reasons Why I Love 'Hanami' Texan in Tokyo Updated March 31, 2016. Cherry Blossoms. howibecametexan.com. Hanami literally means flower-viewing, but it actually refers to the picnic parties that appear under the blooming cherry trees all across Japan every spring.

  5. 2014年4月3日 · 1.简直就是全国上下一半的人都醉卧在樱花树下了。. 大约在开花前一个月开始,电视新闻开始播放 樱花开花预报 ,于是大家就可以开始计划“花见”派对了。. 我曾以为树上开花这种事无法预测,然而事实上可以,而且这对他们而言很重要。. “花见”派对是指 ...

  6. 2016年4月22日 · From Zara to H&M to local designer boutiques, Tokyo is as diverse as they come when shopping for fashion. However, the abundance of stores might have you bypass some of the outlet malls here in Tokyo. Don't: If you're looking for cheap, high-end goods

  7. 甜點店林立的東京有許多知名巧克力專賣店,各店所推出的巧克力冰淇淋各具無法模仿的獨特魅力。 這次就要為大家介紹10家錯過可惜的巧克力霜淇淋,讓這個夏天不再為烈陽所苦,輕鬆在東京尋找渴望的冰涼。 CACAO SAMPAKA的低調奢華巧克力霜淇淋. 西班牙皇室御用巧克力名店「カカオサンパカ (CACAO SAMPAKA)」在日本有三間分店,分別在東京的丸之內、澀谷和大阪的梅田。 位於東京車站丸之內的店面,以巧克力色為裝潢主色,襯托出低調的奢華與優雅的氛圍,顯現出以往只有皇室才能享用的高級感。

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