雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年8月10日. 教協理事會於2021年8月10日公佈,決定解散教協,並啟動相關程序。 因此由即日起,教協網站及社交媒體專頁,除行政上必要的公佈外,將停止更新內容。 感謝各位會員多年來的支持。 為減少對會員的影響及處理解散安排,教協會所和查詢電話仍會維持一段時間,教協有信心能有序、妥善地處理好善後工作。 會方已即時停止新一年的入會申請,已提交2021至2022年度入會或續會申請的會員,將獲安排退款。 有關其他會務的跟進,請見「 各項會務的未來安排 」。 Grateful for the Support over the Years. HKPTU Resolve to Dissolve. 10th August 2021.

  2. 2022年12月15日 · The Education Bureau (EDB) formulated the Guidelines on Teachers’ Professional Conduct (“the Guidelines”) to clearly stipulate the professional conduct and norms of behaviour required of teachers, and encourage teachers to have self-awareness and self

  3. 香港教育專業人員協會. Dissolution of HKPTU, and Distribution of Surplus Funds (For members only) Dear members, please read HKPTU’s letter to members regarding the dissolution of HKPTU and distribution of surplus funds maintained by HKPTU and also the letter from Acclime Corporate Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited (“Acclime”, formerly ...

  4. Over 100,000 teachers and education practitioners in Hong Kong , from kindergartens to universities, have joined the union, which aims at uniting co-workers, protecting their rights and...

  5. 「立德樹人」是教育的根本任務。 教師是學生的楷模,其言行、操守和價值觀對學生影響深遠。 教育專業和個人修養應相結合,以達至以德育人。 教育局制訂《教師專業操守指引》 (《指引》),旨在清晰說明教師應有的專業操守及行為規範,鼓勵教師自覺遵守,保障學生福祉,守護教育專業,維護國家安全和社會秩序。 教育局在制訂《指引》時,除審慎考慮香港教育體系的實際情況和現行法例,亦參考教師專業發展相關文件,以及不同國家和地區的教師專業標準,從而歸納出「專業信念」、「恪守法治」、「以身作則」、「廉潔公正」、「盡忠職守」、「關愛學生」、「尊重私隱」和「維護專業」共八項教師專業操守準則,並就各項準則列舉例子說明教師「應該」和「不應」做的行為。 此外,《指引》載列處理教師涉嫌違反專業操守的機制及一些個案舉隅。

  6. The Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU) was a pro-democracy trade union, professional association and social concern group in Hong Kong. At the time of its disbandment in 2021, it was the largest teachers' organisation in Hong Kong with over 95,000 members, representing over 90 per cent of the profession.

  7. 2021年12月6日 · This summary aims to help educators and scholars in Hong Kong and beyond gain a deeper understanding of the current CPD policies for teachers in Hong Kong so that professional development plans can be better informed and designed more effectively.

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