雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月8日 · 老漢在中目黑高架橋下吃完LONCAFE早午餐後,就開始這一天的中目黑、代官山、惠比壽散步旅行,從LONCAFE往後走大約2分鐘就可以看到目黑川了。這附近的氣氛幽靜,車少人也少,隨便走都覺得很舒服。而且現在照片中看到的枯枝,其實都是櫻花樹,很難想像在櫻花季的時候,這邊會有多美!

  2. 2016年12月14日 · Here are our five favorite nighttime views in Hokkaido. 5. Teine Bridge. Open since 2007, Teine Bridge is the second bridge (the first one was built in 1971 and was later removed in 2008) that was constructed over the Karugawa River in Teine-honcho, providing passersby with a beautiful night view of Sapporo City far below.

  3. 地址:東京都澀谷區代官山町20-23. 營業時間:11:00~23:00. 官網: Tenoha Daikanyama. LOG ROAD,原本是廢棄鐵道的地方,在2015年變成一個特色空間,是個狹長型的空間,全長大約220公尺,總共由五個建築物構成。. 老漢到訪的時間適逢年底快過年的時候,所以店家都 ...

  4. 接下來是日本重點城市賞櫻名所TOP10的時間了,來,大家跟我一起倒數。排名第10位的榴岡公園種有四百棵櫻花樹,有枝垂櫻,吉野櫻,八重櫻等,其中枝垂櫻最有名氣。這裡也是仙台市的夜櫻名所,櫻花樹下家人野餐,朋友聚會,很是熱鬧。

  5. 2016年9月15日 · Japan’s traditional sake breweries are known as sakagura. Kashima, a city in Saga Prefecture, came up with the concept of “sake brewery tourism,” where visitors tour breweries and sample the rich brews each sakagura offers. The chance to savor so many fine sakes has drawn travelers from both Japan and abroad, and proven to be a huge success.

  6. 如果你喜歡老建築也喜歡咖啡,那你一定不能錯過位於大阪梅田地區「キタの北ナガヤ」巷弄中的風格咖啡廳「HOOD by Vargas」,在氛圍超好的店內享受一杯手沖好咖啡的時間。將超過70分歷史,8間間相連的木造長屋,經過耐震補強、屋頂修復、防音斷熱後再生的「キタの北ナガヤ」集合有住宿、每日 ...

  7. 2020年5月20日 · The Burger Born in Sasebo. This iconic burger was born in 1950, after U.S. forces stationed in Sasebo introduced the recipe for hamburgers to the locals. There are no set rules for the construction of a Sasebo Burger, however—in essence, it just needs to be made using ingredients from Sasebo. How representative is this burger?