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  1. Founded in 2000, Kwiksure is a leading motor insurance broker in Hong Kong comparing third-party and comprehensive motor insurance plan quotes from over 60 insurers in Hong Kong. As a broker, we always prioritize the interests of our customers as we guide you towards securing the best plan based on your budget, driving experience, and ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
    • The Make Or Value of Your Car
    • The Size of Your Car's Engine
    • The Mileage of Your Car
    • Your Driving History
    • How You Intend to Use The Vehicle
    • Your Occupation
    • If You Have A No Claims Discount
    • Type of Coverage You Want
    • How Can You Impact How Car Insurance Premiums Are Calculated in Hong Kong?

    The type of car you drive will certainly have an impact on how car insurance premiums are calculated in Hong Kong. For example, the insurance for a new Toyota Corolla will be far lower than a brand new BMW 7. The reason for this is primarily due to the value of the car. If a car is worth more, insurers will need to pay out more should there be an a...

    As you likely know, cars of the same make will come in different models, often with more expensive models having a bigger engine among other things. As such, one of the first questions you will be asked when you talk with Kwiksure or an insurer will be the size of the engine (usually in cubic centimeters, or cc). Simply put, the bigger the engine t...

    We don't mean how far you can drive your car in between fill ups. What this pertains to is how much you drive your vehicle. A newer vehicle with a higher number of miles (or kilometers) driven on it will translate to a higher premium. The reason for this is because if you drive your vehicle more, you face a higher risk of being in an accident. Insu...

    Aside from the type of car you want to insure, this is arguably the most important factor influencing how car insurance premiums are calculated in Hong Kong. If you do not have a clean driving history e.g., a high number of demerit points or a history of accidents/serious driving offences you will pay more for insurance. Insurers will want to know ...

    Insurers in Hong Kong will have a strict set of terms and conditions around how you can use the vehicle while you have the coverage you select. For example, if you purchase private car insurance and use your car to make money e.g., as a delivery service, you will be in breach of the contract. Should you be in an accident while doing this the insure...

    Believe it or not, some motor insurance companies in Hong Kong will take your job into account when developing a premium. In many cases, this relates to the factor above. Some occupations usually rely on a vehicle e.g., salesperson. If you are, say a rep for a luxury brand there is a much higher chance you will use your own vehicle. This means you ...

    Some insurance plans, especially those that offer comprehensive coverage, will include a NCD. This is a discount given to drivers who drive claims and accident-free for a set period of time (usually one year). Each year of safe driving can see an increase in your NCD, up to 60% in fact. Insurers in Hong Kong who offer the NCD will often allow you t...

    There are two types of car insurance in Hong Kong: 1. Third party 2. Comprehensive As you can probably guess, the type of coverage you select will influence the price of car insurance in Hong Kong. Plans that offer comprehensive coverage will cost more than third party coverage simply because they cover more.

    The factors above are all focused on things insurers will consider when quoting a price for car insurance. Is there any way you can impact how car insurance premiums are calculated in Hong Kong? Yes! There are a large number of insurers in the city, and as we stated above they will offer different prices for coverage. This means that you can influe...

  2. 2024年8月16日 · 1. 車保索償記綠及交通違規記錄. 保險公司會因應車保索償記綠及交通違規記錄而作出保費更新,如果你曾經在上一保險年度提出索償,便有機會在續保時被「加 Loading」,即收取額外保費;即使並未提出申索,保險公司亦有機會因應賠償率、市場狀況等綜合因素調整保費及條款。 因此,在同意續保之前,應先向保險經紀公司或保險公司查詢保費及保障範圍的變化及其背後原因。 如果曾涉及事故並提出索償,便要審視續保的保費會否明顯高於另覓全新的保險計劃。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 2018年11月6日 · 保險經紀及保險代理的分別. 無論你正打算購買汽車保險,一或是其他類型的保險計劃,瞭解到保險經紀及保險代理的分別,能助你作出更明智的決定。 以下為兩者主要的不同之處:與保險商的關係– 這一點或許是保險代理及保險經紀最不同的地方。 保險代理一般只跟一間或數間保險公司簽定合作協議。 如果代理只跟一間保險公司合作,兩者的合約上會列明,代理只能夠銷售這一間保險公司的產品。 相反地,保險經紀跟多間保險公司有合作關係,對一名經紀來說,能銷售的保險公司產品越多越好。 他們跟保險公司並沒有獨家銷售協議。 因為保險經紀最吸引之處,是能為客戶提供多間保險公司的保障方案。 因此,相比保險經紀而言,保險代理跟其合作的保險商有更密切的關係。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  4. Our team is here to help assist you with your claims while also providing reliable advice. Established since 2000, our team of licensed insurance brokers industry leading customer service. Compare prices from top insurers in Hong Kong. Car insurance plans starting from $777 and up.

  5. 無索償折扣 (NCD/NCB) 解釋. 顧名思義,無索償折扣即是當保單持有人過去一段時間內(以年計)不曾索償,保險公司就會在下年續保時,提供相應百分比的保費折扣,通常是 20% - 60%。. 無索償折扣全名是 No Claims Discount,是汽車保險所特有的,後來也應用於其他 ...