雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 1.紙本申請. 第一步:到持續進修基金辦事處或各區民政諮詢中心索取表格,或可從辦事處網頁下載. 第二步把已填妥並獲院校培訓機構蓋印的申請表格正本連同所需文件副本透過以下方式遞交: 郵寄或親臨持續進修基金辦事處遞交申請. 地址:新界荃灣青山公路388號中染大廈25樓07-11室. 或將表格放進於下列地點的收集箱或投遞箱: 長沙灣政府合署11樓學生資助處. 地址:九龍長沙灣道303號. 時間:星期一至五上午8時45分至下午1時/下午2時至5時45分(公眾假期除外) 長沙灣政府合署地下大堂. 地址:九龍長沙灣道303號. 時間:星期六、日及公眾假期全日開放. 持續進修基金辦事處門外. 地址:新界荃灣青山公路388號中染大廈25樓07-11室. 時間:星期一至日上午8時至晚上11時.

  2. IVA. DRP. Pros. Compared to bankruptcy: Less impact on personal reputation. Lower interest rate, thus reducing debt burden. Applicants can keep bank accounts. Applicants can keep their management jobs, existing properties and insurance plans, etc. No need to go through legal procedures, thus saving time and money.

  3. 債務重組,又稱為個人自願安排(Individual Voluntary Arrangement,IVA),當申請人無法按原本債務條款還清債務時,可委託會計師或律師作為代理人,向法院申請債務重組,希望與債權人重新訂立一個新的還款計劃,多數是減低原有債務的利息、延長還款年期等,使 ...

  4. CEF Application Procedures. 1. Paper-based application. Step 1: Obtain the application form by visiting the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (OCEF) or the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres, or by downloading from the OCEF official website.

  5. If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches.

  6. Promise can help you choose the most suitable personal loan, which the application procedure is simple, to resolve your financial needs e.g. cash flow, credit card payment, education needs, advanced studies, relocation, home renovation, travel, etc. We consider ...

  7. Knowledge on Personal Loan. When you need personal loans to achieve your financial goals or meet your immediate cash needs, you actually need to know more about loans in order to make responsible financial decisions. Promise provides you with different types of loan knowledge before making any loan applications!