雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cash Corporation Limited. Cash集團有限公司. liability)(Stock code: 2483)DATE OF BOARD MEETINGThe board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) of K Cash Corporation Limited (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board will be held on Friday, 22 March ...

  2. 公司名稱:K Cash 集團有限公司。香港聯交所股份代號︰2483。執行董事︰根泰先生、黃卓詩女士。非執行董事︰常盛先生、碧葱女士、陳詠詩女士、簡珮茵女士。獨立非執行董事︰洪為民先生、麥永森先生、梁家昌先生。

  3. POLL RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 28 MAY 2024. ) of K Cash Corporation Limited (the “Company”)held on 28 May 2024, all the proposed resolutions (the “Resolution(s)”) as set out in the notice (the “Notice”. il 2024 were taken by poll.POLL RESULTS OF THE AGMAs of the date of the AGM, the total number of.

  4. 常盛 香港,2024年8月7日 於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括執行董事根泰先生及黃卓詩女士,非執行 董事常盛先生、碧葱女士、陳詠詩女士及簡珮茵女士,以及獨立非執行董 事洪為民教授太平紳士、麥永森先生及梁家昌先生。

  5. Ms. Lee Pik Tsong is one of the founders of our Group. Mrs. Lee has over 20 years of experience in the licensed money lending business, is responsible for providing advice on overall strategic planning and

  6. Cash Corporation Limited. Cash集團有限公司. liability)(Stock code: 2483)DATE OF BOARD MEETINGThe board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) of K Cash Corporation Limited (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, 19 August ...

  7. 於本公告日期,本公司董事會包括執行董事根泰先生及黃卓詩女士,非執行董事李常盛先生、李碧葱女士、陳詠詩女士及簡珮茵 女士,以及獨立非執行董事洪爲民教授太平紳士、麥永森先生及梁家昌先生。