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  1. 梁啟超「飲冰室」由來. 傳統中國文學電子報第二五七期 2015/03/05. 主題:梁啟超「飲冰室」由來. 在國高中課本中,大概都少不了一個清末民初時的一個大人物,那就是梁啟超。. 梁啟超不僅是清末戊戌變法的主導者,甚至在海外保皇黨或革命事業中,也占有 ...

  2. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › PIM0003兩廳院電子報

    2024年5月2日 · 2024新點子實驗場 李祐緯《伊底HIPHOP斯王》 2024/05/14-16 實驗劇場

  3. Here's how it works: First, choose your palace. This should be a familiar place, like your bedroom. Take note of any objects that stand out. These items will be your "memory pegs." Next, connect each peg with something you want to remember. Let's say you have a list of things to do, the first of which is to call a friend.

  4. Sponsored by the Taipei Culture Foundation (台北市文化基金會), the Ximen Backstreet Festival (西門町後街文化祭) is an artful mix of graffiti art, skateboarding, creative DJs, street dance, music, and much else from the backstreet pop-culture world. Also introduced into the mix are movie special-effects make-up, 3D painting, and ...

  5. 預見趨勢‧搶得先機 》訂閱《哈佛商業評論》即贈二本趨勢觀點好書 》《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版一年12期,訂閱即贈觀點好書二選一【續訂+2期】 》《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版二年24期,訂閱即贈二本觀點好書【續訂+2期】 觀點好書1 》大前研一《一個人的經濟》

  6. When someone mentions Oktoberfest, Germany's most famous festival, most people think of one thing—lots and lots of beer. However, this festival has a long and rich history that is rooted in Bavarian tradition. Beer is an element of today's Oktoberfest, but for the citizens of Munich, where the festival started, it will always be first and foremost a festival of culture.

  7. 盛治仁/不同世代說不同話 聯合報/盛治仁 五年級的高階主管,帶領著六、七年級的各級主管,跟基層的八年級生一起打拚,是很多企業的寫照。為更深入了解世代差異,做好教練式領導,最近公司安排主管們上課,探討不同世代的職場期待和文化。

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