雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 新しい地図ポータルサイト『NAVITIME』地図を探す、電車の乗換案内、自動車ルート検索、徒歩ルート案内はもちろん、週間イベント情報や季節特集も充実!. さらに携帯アプリ連携もバッチリ!.

  2. Plan your trip to Japan with Japan Travel by NAVITIME. Book flights, tickets, hotels, and tours and discover locations with curated travel guides and tips from experts.

  3. 在Japan Travel by NAVITIME您可輕鬆預約到國內旅遊/海外旅遊的優惠組合方案安排旅行所需的機票、飯店,到當地觀光的計畫與旅遊的路線導覽,NAVITIME旅遊幫助顧客有個愉快舒適的旅行。

  4. Japan Route Finder & Planner. Find the best route including bullet train, bus, airline, and taxi. Compatible with your railway pass. Plan your trip by calculating the train cost and distance. Check the train schedule.

  5. Japan Travel AppJapan Travel” 應用程式支援國際遊客到日本旅遊,提供最有效率的導航服務。 您可在此找到觀光目的地、計劃旅遊行程、預先訂位,還能在旅遊過程中搜尋路線。

  6. NAVITIMEの乗換案内はJR、私鉄、地下鉄など全国の鉄道路線に対応。 電車のほかに新幹線、飛行機、バス、フェリーを使用するルートもご案内。 IC運賃、定期券料金、時刻表、運行状況、駅周辺の地図も確認できます。

  7. 使用Japan Travel by NAVITIME可以便捷又实惠地预约国内旅游出国旅游行程。 无论是旅途中必需的机票、酒店预定,还是您在当地的观光行程制定、旅游路线指引等,NAVITIME都将为您提供帮助,使您旅途更加轻松愉快。

  8. Japan Travel app supports international tourist traveling to Japan with the most efficient navigation. You can find destinations to visit, plan itineraries, make reservations, and search routes while actually traveling.

  9. Japan Travel by NAVITIME [iPhone/Android] Get around like a local. 80 LINES, OVER 700 STATIONS... THE WORLD'S MOST COMPLEX METROPOLIS: TOKYO. The transportation system in Japan, including one of the largest metropolises, Tokyo, is so complicated that it is difficult to go around on your own, but it has many attractions.

  10. Get directions , maps, voice route guidance is I find it easy . You can also Find restaurants and hotels and wifi spot information . You can take advantage of complex subway and bus for the first...

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