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  1. API platform | OpenAI. The most powerful platform for building AI products. Build and scale AI experiences powered by industry-leading models and tools. Start building View API pricing. Flagship models. GPT-4o. Our fastest and most affordable flagship model. Text and vision. 128k context length. Input: $5 | Output: $15 . per 1M tokens. Learn more.

  2. Explore developer resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's platform.

  3. OpenAI API 介绍. 概述 Overview. OpenAI API可应用于几乎任何涉及理解或生成自然语言、代码或图像的任务。 我们提供一系列具有不同功率水平的模型,适用于不同的任务,以及自己定制模型的微调能力。 这些模型可用于从内容生成到语义搜索和分类等所有任务。 关键概念 Key-concepts # 我们建议完成我们的快速入门教程,通过一个实践性、交互性的例子来熟悉关键概念。 快速入门教程通过构建快速示例应用程序进行学习 # 提示 Prompts. 设计您的提示 本质上就是如何“编程”模型,通常是提供一些指令或几个示例。 这与大多数其他NLP服务不同,它们专为单一任务设计,例如情感分类或命名实体识别。

  4. openai.com › blog › openai-apiOpenAI API | OpenAI

    2020年6月11日 · We’re releasing an API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI. Unlike most AI systems which are designed for one use-case, the API today provides a general-purpose “text in, text out” interface, allowing users to try it on virtually any English

  5. platform.openai.com › docs › overviewOpenAI Platform

    Explore resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's developer platform.

  6. platform.openai.com › docs › quickstartOpenAI Platform

    The OpenAI API provides a simple interface for developers to create an intelligence layer in their applications, powered by OpenAI's state of the art models. The Chat Completions endpoint powers ChatGPT and provides a simple way to take text as input and use a model like GPT-4o to generate an output.

  7. The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from any Python 3.7+ application. The library includes type definitions for all request params and response fields, and offers both synchronous and asynchronous clients powered by httpx. It is generated from our OpenAPI specification with Stainless. Documentation.

  8. Example code and guides for accomplishing common tasks with the OpenAI API. To run these examples, you'll need an OpenAI account and associated API key ( create a free account here ). Set an environment variable called OPENAI_API_KEY with your API key.

  9. 快速入门. OpenAI训练了先进的语言模型,非常擅长理解和生成文本。. 我们的API提供对这些模型的访问,可以用于解决几乎任何涉及处理语言的任务。. 在本快速入门教程中,您将构建一个简单的示例应用程序。. 在此过程中,您将学习使用API处理任何任务的关键 ...

  10. 2023年4月16日 · OpenAI已经训练了先进的语言模型,非常擅长理解和生成文本。. 我们的API提供对这些模型的访问,并可用于解决几乎涉及处理语言的任何任务。. 在此快速入门教程中,您将构建一个简单的示例应用程序。. 在此过程中,您将学习到使用API执行任何任务所必需的 ...