雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 提供全面滅蟲及防治服務及處理各項的蟲鼠問題. 本公司員工均有豐富及專業的滅蟲經驗更是香港蟲害控制從業員協會 PCPA 及美國害蟲管理協會NPMA的會員。. 本公司會定期安排員工於香港大學專業進修學院修讀並取得”蟲害控制及安全使用殺蟲藥課程及格證書 ...

  2. 香港專業滅蟲 是一間專業的滅蟲及清潔公司。 我們擁有多年專業滅蟲之工作經驗,致力協助社會各階層解決滅蟲和清潔的問題,根據每個不同個案我們會訂立不同的解決方案,以針對問題為主,以最佳的服務為客人解決問題。 服務包括各大工商機構、政府部門、餐廳、生產商、學校、商場及住宅等。 使命和宗旨. • 仔細觀察,找出問題原因. • 仔細聆聽,了解客人需要. • 專業判斷,為客人提供專業的解決方案. • 安全環保,在工作過程中保証客戶的安全. 服務範疇. 餐廳. 辦公室. 家居. “入伙前消毒新屋,安心又放心! 嘉亨灣住戶. “交給香港專業滅蟲,舒服乾淨的工作空間! 聯絡我們. 按此WhatsApp我們 公司介紹 香港專業滅蟲.

  3. 專業床蝨處理服務. 床蝨一擊清,從此獲得清净空間。 瞭解更多. 50 多年來,我們一直保護香港的物業免受害蟲侵害. 我們所有的技術人員都是訓練有素且經過認證的害蟲控制員. 創新和獨特的害蟲防治方法,有效地解決害蟲問題. 4.9 rating of 467 reviews. Leave a Google review. 白蟻. 蚊蟲. 老鼠. 蟑螂. 螞蟻. 顯示更多蟲害種類. 酒店與度假村. 餐飲業. 商業辦公室. 學校及私人機構. 設施及物業管理. 其他行業. 特別優惠. 個人空間空氣淨化機限時優惠. 抵擋空氣中的流感等各類病毒,至抵優惠多達6折. 瞭解優惠詳情. VK商用空氣淨化機優惠. 獲醫院、大學等各類機構認可使用,可租用或購買. 瞭解優惠詳情.

  4. When it comes to residential pest control services, Dr.Clean stands out by providing a diverse range of physical control methods and low-toxicity pest control products. Their professional team is experienced in eliminating a wide range of household pests, including bedbugs, mosquitoes, termites, cockroaches, rodents, flies, ants, and more.

  5. Our reliable pest control services in Hong Kog cover a wide range of pests, including rodents, cockroaches, and bed bugs. Whether you need rapid rodent control, ongoing cockroach protection, or expert bed bug extermination, you can count on us to make your pest problem a thing of the past.

  6. For over 50 years we have protected properties from pests across Hong Kong. All our technicians are highly trained and certified pest controllers. Innovative and unique pest control treatments that resolve pest problems efficiently and effectively. 4.9 rating of 462 reviews. Leave a Google review.

  7. Found in 1947, started from termite control, Johnson Group has now been developed into a team of professionals specifies in all kinds of pest control, with our network expanded to abroad to Taiwan as well.

  8. 病虫害防治(英語: Pest control )是指针对性地消灭一些害蟲 物种,来保障粮食产量、人类健康以及生态平衡的农业过程。 从事病虫害防治这一行当的专家在美国被称为“扑灭者”(英語: Exterminators )。

  9. Hong Kong’s humidity provides an ideal breeding ground for not only mosquitos but also pests which are difficult to detect and treat instantly, e.g. termites and bed bugs. Treatments of such pests usually require the help of pest control professionals.

  10. Protect your loved ones and your property from pests by engaging RTK to provide pest control services. Whether it is termites, mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs and many more, you will get a safe and effective pest control method depending on the pest in question

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