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  1. professional cake course 相關

  2. 提供多元化烹飪證書課程,除可提升烹飪技術,亦可學習有關烹飪的理論與操作。 導師擁有50多年教廚經驗,精通不同烹調技術,歡迎在職學徒及自學者報讀。


    • Dessert Party Baking Studio棉花糖蛋糕課程。位於葵芳的Dessert party baking studio,號稱有全港首創的棉花糖蛋糕Marshmellow Cake烘焙課程,不只小朋友,即使是大朋友收到這款生日蛋糕,都必定抱著兩腮大叫「巧打耳」!
    • Les Petits Four法國朱古力鏡面蛋糕課程。位於長沙灣的 Les Petits Four ,由曾到瑞士學習歐洲甜點及手做朱古力的Whitney Yip主理,她更是國際朱古力大獎(International Chocolate Award 2020)金獎得主,相當駕勢。
    • 小食堂低糖韓式奶油霜裱花蛋糕課程。位於油麻地的小食堂The Little Kitchen Cookery Studio,最大特色是其低糖韓式奶油霜花系蛋糕班,蛋糕特別採用韓國白牛油製作,比市面低糖60%,非常健康。
    • Miss Sweety Bakery星球蛋糕課程。位於荔枝角的Miss Sweety Bakery在行內頗具名氣,開設的蛋糕班種類繁多,最具人氣的相信是星球蛋糕課程,同學將會學習製作雲呢拿雜果或芒果忌廉戚風蛋糕,以及如何製作星球外型技巧,星球蛋糕的外殼、內裡蛋糕、星球環、糖珠及糖條均可食用,課堂完成後學員可帶走一個約5.5吋的星球蛋糕,教室會提供部分裝飾及鎚仔,無需烘焙經驗都可製作出充滿立體感的星球蛋糕。
  1. We have been providing cake making class many years and we are the pioneer of cake making or making cake training academy. Our chefs are senior and know how. If you want to learn all the classic, solid knowledge and skills, this cake making or making cake course is for you.

  2. 2015年12月3日 · 課程簡介: 讓每個學員由基礎進階到專業製作各式西歐蛋糕。 學員完成課程便可擁有基礎的蛋糕、甜品技巧。 課程內容: 櫻桃奶酪蛋糕. 蜜桃芝士蛋糕. 經典焦糖布丁紐約芝士蛋糕. 黑森林蛋糕. 咖啡海綿蛋糕意大利 Tiramisu芝士蛋糕.

  3. PME Diploma Course by Blossom Cakes. Our PME Professional Diploma Course has been meticulously designed to offer comprehensive guidance on all crucial cake decorating techniques. We aim to equip you with the skills and confidence necessary to create your unique designs with ease after completing the course.

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  4. We offer an extensive range of professionally run cake decorating courses suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels and have built a reputation for crafting excellence in cake decoration. The courses we offer include the followings: PME Professional Diploma Course. PME Five Star Sugar Artist Programme.

  5. Cake Course. Enjoy handmade cake during tea time with friends, or gift a lovely cake for your beloved ones — you will experience all the fun in a 2 hour basic lesson. Let’s learn something new about cake baking in a happy, convenient setting! Basic Course. January • May • September.

  6. www.culinary.com.hk › courses › INTCakChoc香港西廚學院

    Provide professional western culinary training, bakery, pastry, cakes, cocktail and wine courses.