雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Schooluniform.hk supplies high-quality school uniforms for schools throughout Hong Kong. Order now and get your items delivered straight to your door!

  2. hcuniform.com.hk合眾

    Our Company was founded in 1962. With our 60 plus years of experiment specialized in school uniform, we are confident that our service and products will satisfy your needs.

  3. Uniformshop.hk supplies high-quality school uniforms, bags and accessories for for prestigious schools around Hong Kong. Order now and get your items delivered straight to your door!

  4. 愛民校服 Oi Man School Uniform. 成立50周年誌慶. 愛民校服早在1973年成立,累積數十年製造及設計校服經驗,我們明白到校服質量的重要性,所以在挑選質料方面非常嚴謹,盡力以合理的價錢,提供最佳的產品給予學生及家長,數十年來一直以質量贏取口碑,產品以至服務均獲得家長教師會的正面評價。 產品與服務. 愛民校服提供超過一百間中、小學及幼稚園校服。 作為校服供應商,我們絕對保証服務及貨物品質的穩定,大小尺碼供應量充足。 我們自設廠房,現成發售校服之尺碼如有不滿意的地方,亦可個別為學生度身訂造,確保校服品質及交貨準時。 自設廠房 確保品質. 門市現貨充足. 大小尺碼齊備. 提供度身訂做服務. 門市提供修改服務. 質料和手工保證. 店舖地址.

  5. 三德制服校服公司 Sam Tak School Uniform Company. 校服公司簡介. 三德校服公司,歷史悠久,信譽良好,擁有80餘年經驗的校服專家。 擁有豐富製造校服、制服經驗,本公司於國內自設廠房,所有貨品全部精工製造。 Sam Tak School Uniform Company has been established for over 80 years. Sam Tak Uniform is experienced in quality uniform manufacturing. 服務及產品. 三德校服公司為顧客提供一站式服務,除了在牛頭角區設有門市零售,更有專人到校為同學量身訂製校服。

  6. Schooluniform.hk supplies high-quality school uniforms for schools throughout Hong Kong. Order now and get your items delivered straight to your door!


  8. All uniform must be purchased through our uniform supplier’s website. To purchase uniform, please follow this https://www.schooluniform.hk/. We believe that KGV uniform promotes a sense of pride, engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school and identifies the students within the school.

  9. Through a whole school approach, the School aims to draw out the potential and foster the sense of uniqueness of each student. Besides, it also provides all Good Hopers with equal opportunities to develop their spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social, emotional and aesthetic dimensions.

  10. School Uniform. Our school is unique in Hong Kong, and the AISHK is uniform has been designed to reflect this. It is distinctive, vibrant and designed with a trans-seasonal approach to cater to Hong Kong’s varying weather throughout the year.

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