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  1. 5大租屋注意事項. 租樓注意事項一:搵樓途徑. 市面上的租盤分為業主盤和代理盤。 雖然業主盤可節省租樓佣金,但需自行處理租樓繁複程序,比較不適合租樓新手,故建議委託受地產代理監管局監管的專業代理幫手,不宜為節省租樓佣金而自找麻煩。 當然,如發現地產代理操守有問題,應即時向相關監管部門作出投訴。 租樓注意事項二:精明睇樓. 打開單位內所有水龍頭一分鐘,檢查來去水的顏色、水壓和水量,尤其是舊樓. 確保所有插座均有電源,而每個電源的開關掣都運作正常. 檢查爐頭可否正常運作. 多開幾次門窗,檢查順暢度、螺絲位、窗鉸和防水膠邊是否緊閉. 確保門鎖上鎖無誤,避免過鬆或過緊的情況,亦要注意關門後的門縫大小. 留意天花、冷氣、木地板和牆身等高危漏水位,有否隆起或發黑等發霉痕跡.

  2. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment.

  3. Online Enquiry. Promise’s branches are all over Hong Kong, including Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, Kwun Tong, etc. Find your local branch now. Call our hotline at 31991199 or apply online.

  4. New customers will receive a cash reward of up to HK$10,000 ! Apply Now. Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy. With access to the latest information, never miss out on the latest offers.

  5. 一場浪漫的婚禮,將成就人生最難忘的回憶,但同時都是新人財政赤字的警號! 究竟結婚費用大概多少? 結婚封禮金時有何考慮因素? 過大禮禮金又是不是越多越好? 以下即將為各位解惑,幫你籌備一個只有驚喜、沒有驚嚇的難忘婚禮! 結婚費用開支大公開. 根據「 2023年結婚消費調查 」的結果,由婚戒、禮金、禮服到婚宴,結婚費用平均達到41萬! 於眾多結婚費用項目中,婚宴酒席所佔的金額是最高的,同時亦是歷年升幅最大的一項。 因此,面對龐大的結婚費用開支,新人們真的要事前作好規劃及預算。 以下將概括列出一般婚禮中的細項支出,供準新人們參考。 結婚費用. 結婚首飾及戒指. 約$110,000. 婚宴酒席. 約$170,000. 婚禮 / 婚宴攝影攝錄. 約$17,000. 婚紗禮服. 約$14,000.

  6. Promise can help you choose the most suitable personal loan, which the application procedure is simple, to resolve your financial needs e.g. cash flow, credit card payment, education needs, advanced studies, relocation, home renovation, travel, etc.

  7. Applying for Promise loan online is quick and convenient. You can test your loan eligibility by filling in simple personal information only. The loan is transferred immediately upon approval! Get your urgent financial needs resolved now.