雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 首頁. 地道指南. 日本購物指南. 在日本逛街購物不論高級商品到地攤貨,都可找到想要的任何物品. 在日本,您能找到所有購物選擇,包括從 Coach 與路易威登等奢華的設計師名牌,到小型的私人古董店,應有盡有。 從折扣貨架到高級訂製商品,千萬不要錯失任何購物尋寶樂趣。 百貨公司. 全日本都有大型百貨公司,包括三越、松阪屋、崇光、高島屋、伊勢丹、松屋,販賣食品、服飾到珠寶等各種品項。 松阪屋和三越都是以販賣和服布料起家,至今已成立了近 400 年。 較新的連鎖店,例如東急、小田急、京王,則都是由鐵路公司創辦,且都設在主要車站的附近。 您可以試著由下往上逛完一整棟百貨公司,先從地下室的食品賣場開始,接著逛逛眾多零售店,最後前往位於頂樓的餐廳。 購物中心.

  2. 2021年11月7日 · Download the app and sign up before visiting Japan and the app will automatically connect you to free Wi-Fi spots at airports, train stations, convenience stores, shopping centres, cafes and so on. The app is available in 16 languages including English.

  3. Compared to nearby Shibuya and Harajuku, Shimo-kitazawa is a laid-back sub-culture hub where Japanese youth come to peruse used clothing, record shops and unique and cozy mom-and-pop stores. Bohemian in nature, you'll often find bowl-cut kids packing guitars mingling with fashionistas clad in original attire right outside the station.

  4. Japan has a lot of choice when it comes to shopping. From giant, multi-floor electronics and household goods mega stores to 100 yen discount shops, you will find almost anything you are looking for as you make your way through the cities and shop 'til you drop.

  5. From high end to bargain basement, shopping in Japan has what you're looking for. From luxury designer brands such as Coach and Louis Vuitton to small, privately-owned antique shops, you can cover the entire range of shopping in Japan. Don't miss out on anything in your search, from bargain bins to bespoke.

  6. Navigate the shopping streets of Shinjuku like a local. Explore expansive electronics retailers, up-market department stores and fascinating back streets.

  7. 2013年6月18日 · There are shops everywhere in Kanazawa where you can buy Ishikawa's famous goods. After learning how much effort it takes to produce each item, usually by hand, you'll understand why prices are high. Purchase a piece of Kutani ware or a vase covered in gold leaf, and you are taking home a visual reminder of Kanazawa's remarkable history.