雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年5月13日 · While Makoto Shinkai’s anime hit Your Name has received a wider release in English-speaking territories than many other animated films from Japan, it’s still not on the same scale as mainstream movies’ distribution.

  2. 2018年3月29日 · As we wait for the next project by Makoto Shinkai—director of the highest-grossing anime film of all time, Your Name —CoMix Wave Films, the anime studio that’s produced the visuals for every one of Shinkai’s movies, has already lined up its next full-length animated feature, Shiki Oriori (Weaving Poems of the Seasons).

  3. 2016年2月21日 · Whenever we think of Ghibli movies, we tend to think of the big ones: Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro and more. But there are more obscure movies, too. To find out how many Japanese college students haven’t seen these obscure films, Mynavi conducted a survey of over 400 students to find out which were the rarest of them all.

  4. 《公園小情歌》是一部描述對於畢業感到茫然的純(橋本愛 飾演),遇到一名自稱為了尋找父親舊情人的高中生小春(永野芽郁 飾演),而開啟一場尋人計畫,沒想到卻只找到一卷盤式錄音帶,最後她們與時生(染谷將太 飾演)決定一同完成這首五十年前,只錄到一半的情歌。 為了尋找靈感,三人決定錄下自己所身處的吉祥寺與井之頭的聲音,而他們穿梭於其中的正是位於井之頭恩賜公園內的分園「水生動物園」,以及需要過一個天橋的本園「井之頭自然文化園區」。 多數的動物皆集中於本園內,園區除了有各式動物之外,還能與天竺鼠親密接觸,加上雕刻園、迷你遊樂園、童心居等適合大人小孩的景點。 http://www.parks100.jp/ 井之頭自然文化園區. │入園費:一般/400円、中學生150円/65歳以上200円(持護照可打8折)

  5. 2017年12月28日 · Who says we need to wait until Valentine’s Day to watch romantic movies? It's always a good time to get dreamy and romantic with great anime, and we bring you our Top 5 picks for lovey-dovey anime movies.

  6. 2016年8月8日 · Horror fans needn’t despair, though—the past century of Japanese film provides a wealth of scary screen creations. Here are four classic films to get you started, whether you’re into genuine chills or just a bit of silliness mixed with ghosts.

  7. 2017年12月28日 · Everyone has an opinion on the “best” anime. But let’s step back from quality per se and focus on impact. This is the list of anime you simply must watch before you die. Some can be done in less than two hours; others will take weeks or months of binge watching. All are worth the investment.

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