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  1. 1919年9月,又發生了「第二次流行」,這次流行也長達1年,有241萬2000人感染,12萬8000人死亡。. 緊接的「第三次流行」也有22萬4000人感染,3698人死亡。. 然而波及全球的「西班牙流感」,估測全世界患者高達6億,死亡人數達到2500萬以上,日本的患者總數達2300萬 ...

  2. 2021年3月24日 · Nearly 47,000 medical workers had been given their first shot in the nation as of March 5, roughly two weeks after Japan kicked off its inoculation program on February 17. Three anaphylactic reactions have been reported until now. The elderly will start being vaccinated on April 12.

  3. 2021年2月26日 · The Japanese government hopes to immunize all residents against COVID-19 by next February. But finding appropriate vaccination sites and securing sufficient healthcare personnel remain an obstacle, especially in regional areas with little manpower.

  4. 2021年1月20日 · The Japanese government sees vaccinations as a key to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide pledged to make the vaccines available by late February.

  5. 2020年6月22日 · The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The smartphone app called COCOA records contact when someone else with the app installed stays within a distance of one meter (about 3.3 feet) for 15 minutes or more.

  6. 商品特性:. ★通過按摩來促進血液循環,使滋潤成分不僅能滲透到手部皮膚的表層,而且還能充分滲透到皮膚的深層。. ★含天然精華滋養粒子,有效防止手部肌膚乾燥。. 特有的尿素配方,能深入皮膚內部。. ★促進血液循環,使角質柔軟,保持水分,無色不 ...

  7. 2020年8月4日 · 据记载,最初霍乱流行是在1822年,源自印度的霍乱经中国传入日本。. 第2次流行是在1858年,美国轮船密西西比号停靠长崎时,船员登陆后,霍乱便由长崎传入九州,最后一直传播到北海道。. 明治维新之后,也就是日本的近代,最初的一次感染病爆发是明治10年 ...

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