雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Chan Koon Sang, Albert Kwong Yau Shing Chang Fuk To, Dr Chang Lee Ming Shum, Mrs Maria Chau How Chen Che Xiao Hong, Ms Ada Cheng Chung Ching, Raymond Fan Chun Wah, Andrew Choi Ka Tsan, Karson Cheng Chung Wah Cheng Hok Hung, Victor Cheng Kar Shun, Henry Cheng Lai Fung, Ms Lyon Cheng Lung Don, Horace Cheng Miu Chun, Ms.

  2. Li Cheng Yan, Justin. Li Chi Yin, Ms Charmaine Li Kwok Sheung, Adrian Li Waung Tsen, Mrs Tisa Fatima Mari. Li Chun Sing, Clement. Li Ka Chun, Roger. Li Tzar Kai, Richard. Li Wing Fai, Paul & Tsoi Yee Ki, Ms. Liang Shun Ming, Ms Charmian. Liang Shun Yin, Miss Chloe. Ling Kay Wai, Gary.

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  3. 截至二 二三年六日六日公佈之自購新馬候補中籤人及 有資格投標買馬人士名單. June 2023This list serves as a Reserve List and a list of those eligible either to tender for horses put up for sale or to bid at the Hong Kong International Sale to be held before the 2024 Ballot:此名 . .

  4. chaser’s eligibility criteria listed in the Sale Catalogue, bid at the Hong Kong International Sale and, if suc. ssful, they are allowed to retain their purchase in Hong Kong to race.由即日起,此名單中所有申請人或可投標購買任何待售馬匹,惟必須符合投標買馬條件。所有列在此名單. 之人士,如符合香港 ...

  5. Hassan, Adam Bin Ho, Steve. Hon Hoi Lun, Ms Helen. Hu Chiu Lun, Alan. Jacobs, Dr Andreas Jell, Mrs Jessica Bridget Slack Kwok Law Kwai Chun, Mrs Eleanor. Kwok Siu Ming. Kwok Yin Kit, Ringo. Tang Ng Chun Ho, Michael. Lam Ngai. Law Fu Yuen, Patrick Ho Ka Yuen, Edward Chan Hoi, Jack.

  6. 倘中籤申請人於馬匹進口前放棄其獲配之自購曾出賽馬匹進口許可證,其交還之許可證將提供予在此名單上排列首位之申請人。 倘該申請人接納該已被放棄之許可證,則其姓名將從此名單中刪除。 惟假若該申請人拒絕接納該已被放棄之許可證,則視為放棄其候補資格,惟可保留投標買馬之資格。 有關自購曾出賽馬匹進口許可證將提供予名單中下一位申請人。 乙、 有資格投標買馬人士名單. 由即日起,此名單中所有申請人或可投標購買任何待售馬匹,惟必須符合投標買馬條件。 所有列在此名單上之人士,如符合香港國際馬匹拍賣會目錄中所列承購人資格,均可在香港國際馬匹拍賣會上競投馬匹,而其成功競投得之馬匹將可在本港出賽。 凡成功投得馬匹之人士,其姓名將從此名單中刪除。

  7. 此名單既可作為候補中籤人名單,亦可作為有資格投標購買待售馬匹,或在二 二三年馬匹進口許可證抽籤前舉行之香港國際馬匹拍賣會上競投馬匹人士名單。. a. Reserve List. Should a successful applicant in the ballot give up the allocation before the horse is imported, the surrendered PP Import ...

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