雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年11月30日 · 利用這工具找尋房委會各公共屋邨、商場,以及在居者有其屋/私人機構參建居屋計劃下出售的屋苑的位置及資料。,香港房屋 ...

  2. KANG PING HOUSE (BLOCK 5) 布局圖摘錄自為出售租者置其屋計劃屋邨回收單位而於2021年9月印製的朗屏邨售樓小冊子,只供參考。. 擬購買該屋邨單位人士,應實地參觀並了解該屋邨的現狀。. The layout plan is extracted from the sales pamphlet of Long Ping Estate printed in September 2021 for the ...

  3. 16 竹園北邨 Chuk Yuen (North) Estate. buildings, the slopes, the retaining walls and etc. (if any) in the estate may differ from this plan. 3. The Arabic Numbers in blue colour represent the flat numbers on typical floors of residential blocks. 4.

  4. 主頁 | 香港房屋委員會及房屋署

  5. 屋邨的住宅物業的樓面平面圖 Floor Plans of Residential Properties in the Estate. 樓宇平面圖摘錄自為出售租者置其屋計劃屋邨回收單位而於2021年9月印製的青衣邨售樓小冊子,只供參考。 個別樓層(如平面圖覆蓋多於一樓層)或單位的圖則跟上述平面圖或有差異,擬於居屋第二市場購買單位人士在購買單位前,應實地參觀並了解擬選購單位的現狀。 The. Floor Plans of Residential Properties in the Estate. YEE YIP HOUSE (BLOCK 2) 2/F FLOOR PLAN.

  6. ©地圖版權屬香港特區政府

  7. 2020年11月30日 · Use this Estate Locator to find the location and profile of the Housing Authority’s public housing estates, shopping centres and courts sold under the HOS/PSPS/GSH.,Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department