雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 因為這些基因片段來自腫瘤細胞,它們就成為檢測早期癌症的一個重要生物標誌物. 檢測 ctDNA 可觀察有沒有引致癌症的 基因突變 存在,從而評估患癌的風險. 新OEC檢測技術能 檢測整個基因 ,有別於傳統方法只以熱門突變位點 (Hot-spot) 進行檢測,較全面覆蓋更多 ...

  2. 癌症DNA篩查. 於2020年,癌症新增個案為34,179宗,換言之每十萬名男性和女性中分別有約489宗和430宗新增癌症個案. 最常確診的五種癌症:肺癌 (5,422宗,15.9%)、大腸癌 (5,087宗,14.9%)、乳癌 (4,988宗,14.6%)、前列腺癌 (2,315宗,6.8%)及肝癌 (1,735宗,5.1%) 超過一半的癌症 ...

  3. 家庭傭工身體檢查計劃. 家庭傭工與家庭成員的接觸極為密切,為了家庭成員的健康,僱主應為家傭安排入職驗身計劃及並每年進行身體檢查,確保沒有懷孕或感染傳染病。. 一般檢驗範圍包括體格檢查、肺病檢查、肝炎測試、愛滋病測試、梅毒測試、驗孕等 ...

  4. 婚前檢查. 「婚前健康檢查」 是為將要結婚的準新人而設的身體檢查服務,有助他們於婚前了解自己及伴侶的健康狀況,以及早發現是否潛伏傳染病、遺傳病或其他生育上的問題等。. 本中心迎合不同人士的需要,為客人提供兩種不同的婚前檢查計劃,更另設 ...

  5. Lucence INSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer screening tool that screens for the risk of multiple cancers in one simple blood draw. Lucence INSIGHT™ is based on a proprietary amplicon-based technology to screen for the risks of cancer with a sensitivity of and a specificity of 99.2%.

  6. ColoClear by Circle is a non-invasive, FIT-DNA screening test for detecting early signs of colorectal cancer using at-home sample collection. The test is designed to make colorectal cancer screening simple and convenient, so you can be proactive and in control of your health.

  7. 30+ Male Female Health Check. Some chronic diseases (such as diabetes and hypertension), do not necessarily have obvious symptoms, but its complications would constitute a great impact on the elderly. If diseases are detected early, diseases can be controlled with appropriate treatment.

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