雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 產品類別. 保誠最新報告年度的分紅保險計劃/股東全資分紅計劃之總現金價值比率的過往表現概覽,以供參考。 分紅計劃/股東全資分紅計劃的設計以中長線投資為目標,請瀏覽了解更多詳情。

  2. Simplified illustrative example of fulfillment ratio : In this example, assume a participating plan has 4 policies A, B, C, D effective in three different years. Fulfillment ratio for this participating plan would be as follows. *N/A (1): the products were closed to sale.

  3. 以下列表展示了由2010年起計有新保單繕發並於此報告年度仍有保單生效的分紅計劃之分紅實現率。. 分紅實現率以實際非保證金額 (或被稱為紅利現金價值、紅利連積存利息 (如適用)或累積非保證每月入息/年金連利息 (如適用))對比銷售時之參考金額計算。. 此等 ...

  4. New appointments spotlight transition and integration to enhance customer experience and continue pipeline of innovative products. (13 July 2023, Hong Kong) Prudential Hong Kong Limited (‘Prudential’) today welcomed the appointment of Candy Au Yeung as Chief Customer Operation Officer and Felix Fung as Chief Product Officer, both are ...

  5. www.prudential.com.hk › PruServletwww.prudential.com.hk

    此外,為保單持有人提供更穩定的投資回報,保誠或會於投資表現較的年份保留部份回報,以維持表現較差年份的給付利率。 這個機制有助為客戶帶來穩定的回報,減低短期的投資回報波幅。

  6. 透過myPrudential成功為名下的人壽保單遞交指定的自助保單更改申請,即自動參與大抽獎,獎品總價值超過港幣$150,000! 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:58388 及 58389. 保誠保險呈獻 《洪嘉豪Kaho Live 2024》 門票大抽獎. 請按此查閱得獎名單. 保誠榮獲 10Life 開心保寶2023 360°保險公司大獎* 雋富多元貨幣計劃. 以5年供款年期繳付保費,可享高達24%保費回贈及每年4%保證特惠利率. 「誠保一生」危疾保系列. 高達1100%多重危疾及人壽保障,全面為您每個人生階段護航,亦為將出生的孩子提供周全保障. 保誠自願醫保尚賓計劃. 主要醫療費用不設個別保障限額,終身保障限額高達5,600萬港元,保費可享稅務扣減及保證終身續保. 保誠 優勢.

  7. Fulfillment ratio for special bonuses, terminal bonuses and terminal dividends. It is calculated as the ratio of aggregate payout of special bonuses/terminal bonuses/terminal dividends against the illustrated amounts at the point of sale for all relevant policies actually terminated in the reporting year.

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